Discuss the Role of Psychological and Physical Disorders From the Perspective of Cognitive Psychology, and Mitigative Measures To Address Issues Such As Sports Injuries, Cyber-Bullying and Media Addiction


NFL is an incredibly exciting sport, but studies of former NFL players and the high rates of memory and cognitive loss years after retiring, potentially due to repeated hits to the head, are indeed a cause for concern. In my opinion, while NFL should not be discontinued on the basis of such risks, there is a significant number of policy measures that can be implemented to ensure lower rates of risk and injury that can lead NFL players to suffer from head injuries, concussions, blackouts and permanent damage that may lead them to experience long-term memory and cognitive problems. Foremost, the rules of the game should be changed to heavily penalize hard hitting, physical assault and aggressive tackles, similar to the red card system in British football. Secondly, players should be subjected to regular awareness, education and training to make them understand the consequences of aggressive play and hard hitting on the long-term health of their teams and colleagues. Furthermore, the NFL should encourage a culture of fair and safe play, and conduct regular audits to ensure that players are abiding by safe play rules.

The risk of permanent cognitive disability is distinct from the risk of permanent physical disability for a number of reasons. Foremost, general awareness, treatment and understanding of cognitive disability is far lower than those of physical disability, which may lead individuals with cognitive disabilities to suffer from stigma and poor treatment for years after the initial incident. Secondly, cognitive disabilities tend to be highly debilitating on a psychological level, and can permanently impair the cognitive function of the individual with the disability.

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In my opinion, sports with similar risks of cognitive disability, such as wrestling, boxing and soccer, need not be banned but should generally be subjected to the same strict regulation and penalties suggested above. This would ensure that players are safe from long-term cognitive disability. The information in this unit has been helpful in understanding how physical injuries to specific parts of the brain and nervous system can map to long-term cognitive and psychological conditions, and show the importance of understanding this relationship.

There is a need for there to be active regulation and compliance measures to ensure that this is effectively executed. Furthermore, while it is true that individuals should have freedom to choose what they play, it is also equally important, in my opinion, that they have the freedom to participate in such sports without the risk of long-term cognitive and psychological conditions, or the risk of memory loss and cognitive impairment. We owe it to our NFL and wrestling heroes to ensure safe working conditions as far as possible, and to ensure that they are aware of how to mitigate inherent risks.

Furthermore, watching violence on television has a small but non-negligible impact on increasing violence and aggression in viewers. Children and teenagers may be influenced by media violence to accept the normalization of violence as a valid mechanism to solve problems, or may identify with certain narratives and characters to begin imitating the violence witnessed on television. This may be particularly acute in impact for children with behavioral, impulse control or learning conditions, and may lead to children acting out in the classroom or the schoolhouse environment. While empirical evidence continues to be mixed, studies have shown that fictional television and film violence caused a small short and long term increase in violence in young media viewers. Hence, parents, educators and regulators have a key role to play in limiting the exposure of viewers to such media violence.

Cyberbullying alludes to the demonstration of uncovering an individual’s private data or reexamining their public depiction without their communicated assent or control (IAPP, 2018). Cyberbullying is an especially risky type of online exploitation and abuse, given the general obscurity of the culprit and the trouble in recognizing and halting the culprit’s activities. This has been connected with lower confidence, expanded self destruction hazard and more noteworthy nervousness among its casualties, and cyberbullying as an issue has accordingly been the objective of intercessions by instructive media crusades, school programs, parental oversight and inclusion, Congressional enactment and screening and proof based mediations by medical care suppliers (Aboujaoude et al, 2015).

The media has highlighted various disturbing cyberbullying cases emerging from an absence of authority over online protection of key shopper stages, for example, web-based media organizations. For inst

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