Discuss the psychological benefits of exercise and the importance/effect/role that other (parents,friends/family&coaches) can have ? Psychological Benefits of Exercise and the Importance Essay

Sports are competitive games associated with winning and losing aspect. Playing sports help one stay physically and mentally fit. It is a source of livelihood for people while some treat it as a source of fun and recreation. People seldom speak about the psychology of sports. Sports psychology is misunderstood as field attached to dealing with the mental trauma of athletes. Rather it is information about what motivates participation in sports (Weinberg and Gould 2014). Outdoor sports like Tennis, Hockey, etc. are associated with various health risks. What pushes people to go beyond this extreme level to compete and win? What are the Psychological benefits behind Sports? How coaches help athletes in having correct frame of mind? Sports psychologists can answer these questions. Moreover, only the person playing the games does not gain benefits. Rather sports create a social network. Other people associated with the sports as a coach, friend, family and viewers experience psychological benefits. Sports psychology involves psychologists to develop the strategy to deal with problems of players and athletes by healthy interaction and communication. Psychological Benefits of Exercise and the Importance Essay Sports psychology deals with procedures that enable an athlete to perform with the correct mindset. It deals with the development of goal-oriented plans in different kinds of sports (Wu and Huang 2012). Again, psychologists of sports address the question as to what motivates sports coach to take up the job and what pleasure do people get sitting patiently and watching the whole match. What is the reason behind consistence performance of some of the athletes? In this essay, the author intends to discuss psychological benefits of sports and what role do others play in the sports psychological development. Psychological Benefits of Exercise and the Importance Essay

Coaches train players and athletes both physically and mentally. They help athletes to be excellent in sports as well as in life and to gain mental toughness. It is the responsibility of the coach to analyse and understands what the mindset of players is (Russell 2015). It is important to examine how players think and act. How do sportspersons feel when they compete and win? Sports psychology for coaches gives information about sports strategy they need to use (Zakrajsek et al. 2013). It involves an application of theories and principles of psychology in mental training programs. It informs about how coaches should make an organised schedule for exercises, practice, and relaxation. Trainers should help players return after injury. A coach helps players in goal setting. Coaching also includes training athletes to cope up with immense mental pressure. Coaches learn to train athletes in developing mental skills such as motivation, focus, stress management, energy management. The coach supports players mentally and helps them build self-confidence, which leads to enhanced performance (Cowden et al. 2014). It further improves life skills and gives enjoyment to them. Sports psychology for coach provides information about integrated mental training programs for athletes (Gulbin et al. 2013) Psychological Benefits of Exercise and the Importance Essay  Also, the coach knows how to put it all together into mental plans that allow athletes to attain mindset that boosts their performance. Psychological studies show that coach should exchange thoughts and feelings honestly with the players. Athletes are motivated so that they do not get too much involved or overbearing. According to sports, psychology research players gain self-esteem through participation in sports (Russell 2015). Sports teach teamwork and enhance social acceptance. It ‘s hard to determine the relationship between self-concept and sports participation. There is the positive correlation between greater participation in physical activity and better emotional well-being. Research shows if instructors do not consider athletes’ developmental needs and encouragement then their performance substantially declines. Psychological Benefits of Exercise and the Importance Essay

Sports participation conveys myriad psychological and sociological benefits. Sports encompass social mobilisation, exercise and communication dimension. Sports include intense and regular exercise. Gene Tunney said, “exercise should be regarded as the tribute to heart”. Exercises play a significant role in maintaining physical health and mental wellbeing. Physical activity and sports are a cornerstone to preserve good health condition and improve manic-depressive illnesses (Eime et al. 2013). Several studies have shown the physical effects of exercises, but psychological benefits of it are rarely explored. Some studies have shown that exercises improve self-esteem, increase energy, reduce stress and enhance mood (Reiner et al. 2013). According to the study conducted by (

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