Discuss the major concepts of the theory Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health Structural aspects of the theory Discuss the framework of the theory. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable What question does the theory help to answer? Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model. Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable? Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice.

Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations
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Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations
The middle-range Theory I chose for this assignment is Peplau’s Interpersonal relations. The main theorist in the interpersonal relations theory is Hildegard Peplau. It is based on the belief that when a nurse interacts with a patient in need of care in a professional capacity, the interpersonal therapeutic process occurs. The therapeutic process includes the orientation stage, the working stage and the termination stage. This paper seeks to analyse Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations, highlighting its components, structure and its applicability.
Components of the Theory
Orientation, Identification, Exploitation, and Resolution are the four phases of Peplau’s interpersonal interactions theory. The problem-defining step might be regarded as the orienting phase. It all starts with two fundamentally different strangers, each with their own set of views, beliefs, and objectives (Peden, 2018). During this phase, the nurse may establish a rapport with the patient and initiate the essential communication to advance to the identification step. The patient is more at ease during the identification phase and is willing to discuss their difficulties and concerns with the nurse. The patient can express their wants here, and their emotions may be investigated (Peden, 2018). The revelation of these sentiments may exacerbate the patient’s sentiments of helplessness and reliance. The patient may then embrace the nurse’s care plan and the diversity of health services provided during the exploitation phase. Here, the patient is treated as an important part of the nursing process and must learn to balance reliance and independence. Recognizing when the patient needs support as they transition from dependency to independence and using all available resources is critical throughout this time of transition. The resolution phase starts when the patient starts to look forward to the future and recovery. The nurse-patient connection had come to an end, according to Peplau.
Major Concepts of the Theory
First, the Theory considers nursing to be therapeutic because it is a special process that aids an ill or injured person (Peden, 2018). Nursing is an interpersonal process since it requires two or more people to achieve a shared objective. The achievement of a goal is accomplished via the utilization of a sequence of stages that follow a pattern. Both the nurse and the patient grow in maturity and knowledge as a result of their collaboration.
The framework of the Theory
Peplau’s Theory incorporates the four metaparadigms, namely:
• Person: She regarded a person as a creature that wants to feel less stressed or anxious. The environment is not well specified, yet it’s made up of factors that exist outside of the individual.”
• Health: Health is described as the progression of the human process towards innovative and constructive community existence.
• Environmental: Florence Nightingale developed the environmental metaparadigm idea. According to this concept, “illness is a recoverable process performed by changing the victims’ environment”. Florence demonstrated this by offering “fresh air, sunshine, safe drinking water, enough food supply, effective drainage, excellent hygiene, low noise, appropriate temperature, and a healthy environment” using evidence-based practice (Peden, 2018).
• Nursing; the nursing metaparadigm supports the Nursing Theory in several ways. The clinical metaparadigm’s objective is to convey the nursing aim that is distinctive to the Theory.
Application of the Theory
The Theory looks at how Peplau’s interpersonal ties might encourage patients with type 2 diabetes to engage in self-care. While there is no cure for diabetes, there are things that patients may do to enhance their quality of life, such as frequent blood sugar monitoring, good coping skills, and risk-reducing activities (Hagerty et al., 2017). Nurses, the researchers discovered, play a critical role in promoting self-care by motivating and encouraging patients. A pre-and post-test was given to patients to assess their knowledge, attitude, and practice. While all three categories improved, the ratings for attitude and practices more than doubled. When nurses assessed the patients, they discovered that their physical state had improved, reducing hand dryness, dry lips, nausea, and cracked heels. Patients are strongly motivated to participate in self-care when a direct therapeutic connection is established, and they believe their needs are being met, according to these findings (Hagerty et al., 2017). I agree with these findings be

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