Discuss the four pillars of Transformational leadership and the effect it may have on influencing policy change.

o The purpose of transformational leadership is for the leader to increase his/her knowledge in their role as a leader and develop professional relationships with staff and colleagues. The first pillar of transformational leadership is Idealized influence, this pillar shows how leaders act as role models for their staff, creates goals, rules of professional conduct, and communicates the organizations visions of the future(Collins et al., 2019). In relation to healthcare policy change APNs in leadership position will set the standard for being role models for patient advocacy and their staff and subordinates may also be motivated to do the same. The next pillar is inspirational motivation, this pillar highlights the importance of the leader fostering a work environment that focuses teamwork, workplace diversity and voicing clear expectation of job duties and responsibilities for staff.About healthcare policy change, when staff feel confident that their leader has their best interest in mind, they will be more inclin

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