Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses


The IOM insisted on advanced nursing education, including research, leadership skills, and evidence-based practice to balance nurses’ skills and knowledge with their growing role. More than ten years have passed since this landmark report; thus, its influence can be estimated. According to Thew (2019), the number of BSN-prepared nurses has significantly increased and will likely reach the recommended 80% of nurses by 2029. Some states are closer to the goal than others; for instance, Hawaii is at 72% (Thew, 2019). The number of active RNs with doctoral degrees doubled since 2010, following the plan. In terms of leadership, more nurses started to serve on health-related and corporate boards, commissions, and panels with the Nurses on Board Coalition’s help. BSN-prepared nurses enjoy such opportunities as improving the skills and knowledge that lead to broader nursing practice and a higher overall care level.

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