Discuss how your own learning styles and factors that affect your readiness to learn? 2. Discuss what methods you currently use to meet your own learning goals? 3. Identify your practicum project cohorts’ learning styles (or anticipated learning styles) and factors that may affect their readiness to learn? Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

Reflection is the examination of personal actions and thoughts and can be on any aspect of daily living. Nurses are constantly encouraged to reflect on the ways they learn and implement the practice. It is a way by which nurses can identify the practise undertaken by them (Smith et al. 2012). Self-reflection of learning styles and readiness to learn in nursing are of much significance as proper learning is an important element of nursing (Ip et al. 2012). Self-reflection is a focus in nursing education in recent times due to the changes in the development in the nursing profession and increasing demands of health care services (Mitchell et al. 2012). Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay The present writing is a self-reflective analysis of learning styles and readiness to learn. It takes into account how own learning styles and aspects affect the readiness to learn and the methods used currently for meeting the own learning needs. The practicum project cohorts learning styles are identified along with the factors that can influence the readiness to learn. The application of the information for meeting the learning needs has been mentioned. An analysis of how students can be assisted with varied learning styles when there are limiting factors is done. The ways in which face-to-face and online educational settings influence the methods used are discussed. In the end, the determination of how own learning style may relate to the target audience and the effect of it on the practicum project is done. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

1. How own learning styles and factors affect the readiness to learn
Learning styles is a major consideration in the process of nursing education (Schmeck, 2013). The knowledge of own learning style is very much helpful in achieving success in the educational undertaking (Ganesh, 2014). I am aware of the fact that nursing is a discipline that needs ongoing learning. The learning style undertaken by me is reflective learning. Reflective learning style refers to observation of experiences and analysis of those experiences in a thorough manner (Alghasham, 2012). Such analysis is done before taking appropriate actions (Ryan & Ryan, 2013). This affects the readiness to learn as I try to be a good listener, more cautious and always tend to adopt a low profile in due course of my learning. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

MyAssignmenthelp OrderMy style of learning allows me to gain understanding in an efficient manner and a thorough manner as I have the freedom to reflect on the instructions and information given. The learning and readiness to learn new subjects are intrapersonal and logical. Learning is more effective in a distraction-free environment. It helps in comprehending and retaining the taught subject matter in a more efficient manner (Levine, 2014). Questions are constantly asked for clearing the doubts and having an overall concept of the learning curriculum (Bulman & Schutz, 2013).

2. The methods currently used for meeting the learning goals
It is useful to know from the beginning of the learning session what the learning objectives are in a thorough manner so that it is easier to achieve the learning outcomes (Gatti-Petito et al. 2013). At first, the learning objectives are discussed in details with the educator so that the important aspects are not missed out. Such communication with the educator is extremely helpful for me as I am able to distribute the learning outcomes in different sectors throughout my learning process. The overview of the objectives is clear in mind. While undertaking the curriculum, a step-wise manner is maintained in moving on to the next learning objective from one. This ensures that all the objectives are met. Sufficient research is done on the topics covered in the learning goals so that there is a complete set of relevant data on the points covered in the learning outcomes. Practical application of the topics ensures that the learning goals are met in a suitable manner (D’Amore et al. 2012). Reflection on the activities taken up leads to better performances. After the learning outcomes are met, it is checked from the beginning to make sure that all points are covered and if required repetition of the desired point is taken up. In this method, the learning goals are met. Theories and Principles of Nursing Education Essay

3. Practicum project cohort’s learning styles and factors that affect the readiness to learn
The practicum project is entitled as “Education Program on the Subject of Leadership Development in Nursing”. The learning style of the project cohort is active learning style. This learning style promotes the effective learning environment and is thus the choice from different learning styles. It explores the interests, needs and abilities of the learner and the readiness to learn a

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