Discuss How Quality Measures And Pay For Performance Affect Patient Outcomes. Explain How These Affect Nursing Practice And Describe The Expectations And Responsibilities Of The Nursing Role In These Situations

The past few decades have seen Maryland improve the provision of healthcare to the general populace. The improvements can be credited to the thoughtful approach the state has taken to build capacity and empower the healthcare workforce to offer quality services. pay for performance measures have been enhanced by the Maryland state as it gives both monetary and non-monetary incentives to make its healthcare workforce to be committed to offering the best healthcare to its patients (Emanuel, 2017). It is therefore important to note by having provisions in the ACA to make it easy for the vulnerable to seek the healthcare services they need, the Maryland healthcare industry has made significant strides in ensuring that pay for a performance motivates its healthcare workforce to offer the best healthcare to its citizen including undocumented immigrants (Sultz, & Young, 2018). Even though undocumented immigrants are not recognized as U.S citizens, the Maryland state realized the importance of passing a law that will reduce the mortality rate in this population that can be averted if they are given access to insurance

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