Discuss how functional patterns help a nurse understand the current and past state of health for a patient. Using a condition or disease associated with an elimination complexity, provide an example.

DQ2: Functional Health Patterns

A functional health pattern is a framework developed by Marjory Gordon to be applied by nurses and other healthcare professionals to provide conduct a comprehensive and better health assessment of the patient (Temel & Kutlu, 2019). In other words, the model can be used by nurses in assessing the patient during the diagnosis process. The pattern can be used to diagnose any elimination complexity in a patient. Through the design, the nurse will understand the general health of the patient. If the patient experience any abnormality in the past, he or she will reveal it during a health-perception-health-management pattern (Badawy et al., 2019). The nurse can also grasp the eating habits of the patient. The information can help the nurse determine if the individual’s eating pattern promoted to the excretory disorder. Elimination information is always asked in this pattern. The information about elimination can help the nurse rule about the possibility of any excretory condition.

People with excretory diseases, such as kidney failure, cannot exercise for long compared to healthy individuals. During functional health patterns, nurses collect information about exercises that can further improve their diagnosis of any elimination complexity. Information about the reset and relaxation period can help understand whether the patient has an elimination problem or any other disease (Karaca, 2016). For instance, if the patient is urinating excessively during the night, he or she might be suffering from either heart-related conditions or elimination complexities. The nurse can also understand the social health of the patient by collecting information about his or her social life and relationships. In conclusion, the functional pattern can give nurses a lot of information about the patient’s past and current medical history.


Badawy, P. J., Schafer, M. H., & Sun, H. (2019). Relocation and network turnover in later life: How distance moved and functional health are linked to a changing social convoy. Research on aging41(1), 54–84.

Karaca, T. (2016). Functional Health Patterns Model–A Case Study. Case Studies Journal ISSN (2305–509X) Volume5.

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