Discuss how elimination complexities can affect the lives of patients and their families. Discuss the nurse’s role in supporting the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Provide an example.

Elimination complexities are health conditions that prevent a patient from excreting waste properly. Uremia is one of the elimination complexities. This disease can affect normal urine excretion. Elimination complexities can profoundly affect patients and their families socially, financially, and psychologically. Tan et al. (2017) argue that complications can affect the finances of the patients and their families in that the patient will use a lot of money to treat the conditions. Also, the diseases can prevent the patient from going to work, and this can affect him or her economically.

In terms of psychology, the patient may have stress due to financial constraints. Also, the pain brought by the diseases can cause anxiety and depression. The family might suffer stress because their loved one is under distress. Socially, the conditions can prevent the patient from going to social events because of hygiene (Sherwood et al., 2017). They can fear that they will be isolated and laughed at because of their condition.

Nurses play a vital role in supporting patients emotionally and psychologically. First, nurses can help patients psychologically by providing them with all the data needed for them to get better. For instance, they should give patients all the information about prescriptions. Also, nurses can emotionally and psychologically support patients by calling them often to ask them about their health and remaining them to regularly visit the hospital as advised by the doctor (Nakanishi et al., 2016). Nurses should give patients hope by telling them powerful words that can raise their spirits. Nurses can also help patients by assessing their psychological conditions and recommend a psychiatrist if they see fit. However, they can also provide counseling when they evaluate and see that the patient is not worse.


Nakanishi, H., Kurosaki, M., Hosokawa, T., Takahashi, Y., Itakura, J., Suzuki, S., … & Higuchi, M. (2016). Urinary excretion of the water channel aquaporin 2 correlated with the pharmacological effect of tolvaptan in cirrhotic patients with ascites. Journal of gastroenterology51(6), 620–627.

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