Directions: In the space below Identify and describe at least three academic resources or strategies that can be applied to the MSN program, and at least three professional resources that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or your specialty in particular. For each, explain how you intend to use these resources, and how they might benefit you academically and professionally.




Academic Resource/Strategy 1 Dr. Welch DNP MSN RN

I choose Dr. Welch as a mentor because she is a clinically focused, has a terminal degree that prepares nurse practitioners and other advanced practice registered nurses to improve healthcare delivery and health outcomes. I can also learn how to network and she can possible introduce me to her network.  Dr. Welch will play a major role in helping me prepare for exams and provide me with useful tips and strategies

Academic Resource/Strategy 2  Dr. Joseph PHD ED

I choose Dr. Joseph as one of my mentors for this program.  Dr. Joseph mentored me in my previous program and she was a great influence on my decision to peruse my Nurse practioners degree.   She is flexible and always available when I need her.  I know I can rely on her for guidance as well as friendship.  She is a great benefit due to her 10 years plus as an educator, her reputation as a teacher and her positive evaluation by previous mentees. NURS-6003 Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

Academic Resource/Strategy 3  Ms. Neumeyer

Quinn is one of the student advisor at Walden University and she always checks in to see if I need anything or is there any way she can help.  She truly seems to care about my success.  I can set an appointment at any time to speak with her or just call and if she is available she never acts as if I am interrupting her.   She is very patient and always willing to go the extra step to help. She continues to make sure I am on the right track academically.



Professional Resource/Strategy 1 Walden University

The Walden MSN program outcomes have a focus on meeting the demand for mental health providers who are equipped with advanced skills and practicum training for the provision of care. Through these, I will be able to meet my professional and academic goals by becoming knowledgeable and equipped in the use of evidence based practice in the provision of care. This program will require me to be able to engage in and utilize research in my practice to identify new output and interventions that have been identified through research, and apply them to my clinical context while considering the needs of the patient (Kverno, 2016).

Professional Resource/Strategy 2 Sigma Theta Tau InternationalSigma theta tau international will be useful in helping me understand the issues that affect the profession and delivery of care, and guide me in selecting a topic, buy understanding previous research by the organization (Sigma, 2020).  Sigma Theta Tau will provide a useful platform for networking with other students and nurse leaders exceptional in their fields (Sigma, 2020).

Professional Resource/Strategy 3 American Nursing Association

The American Nurses Association (ANA, 2020) will provide access to peer reviewed journal that will help guide me in selecting the direction for my topic, by providing access to scholarly articles in my interested field.  Through this network, I will get advice and support not only on the licensing exams but also on future practice. The ANA (2020) will also provide opportunities for networking where I can connect with like minded professionals in research and practice, which will help guide the progression and direction of my career during and after my masters’ program.


American Nurses Association. (2020). Practice and advocacy. Retrieved from:

Kverno, K. (2016). Promoting access through integrated mental health care education. The Open Nursing Journal10, 73. NURS-6003 Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

Sigma. (2020). About Sigma. Retrieved from:

Walden University. (2020). About Walden. Retrieved from:


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