Direct Care Role ( Nurse Practitioner) Vs Indirect Care Role ( Nurse Administrator) Core Competencies


Students with a master’s degree in nursing prepared for various roles and areas of practice. Most students pursue new, novel, and modern roles that result from health reform and changes in developing and global health care system (ANCC, 2013). Various students pursue indirect care roles that include; the nurse informatics, public health, and also clinical research coordinators. Other students choose direct care roles these include; nurse educator and clinical nurse leader. Graduates with the masters degree in nursing have course works in areas of the functional role; the course work comprises of; exhaustive research, training, and competence in various areas of practice.


Direct care providers Roles

Direct care providers that practice the direct role to the patients comprise of advanced practice nurses in direct patient care such as family nurses practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical nurses, and midwives (ANCC, 2013). The graduate students are expected to complete clinical experience hours in addition to hours earned in the master’s degree.

Clinical Nurse Leader

These are master’s prepared nurse and clinical leader in the healthcare delivery system, which includes all settings and backgrounds that health care, delivered. Roles of the Clinical Nurse Leader differ depending on the background and the number of patients. Their mission is to improve the quality of health care delivered at the unit level (ANCC, 2013). Also, the Clinical Nurse implements the advanced competencies in; nursing leadership, care environment management, interpersonal communication, evaluation of clinical outcomes, and integration and coordination of care. Graduates of this program qualify for Clinical Nurse Leader certification, before or after they graduate from approved Masters or Post Masters programs.

Nurse Educator

Master’s degree in Nursing prepares nurses to teach patients, and their families, student nurses, and various- direct care providers. Every master’s trained nurse develops competence in the implementation of teaching methodologies, educational needs assessment, leaner’s centered theories, and methods. The master’s trained student is different from degree nurse, because of the understanding of nursing practice, and nursing discipline. Also, the masters syllabus builds on the graduate level content; health assessment, physiology, and also pharmacology. These strengthen and fortify the student’s scientific foundations.

Read also Nurse Educator Evolution – Advanced Practice Roles

The curriculum also impedes the students understanding of nursing and health-related information.  Consequently, the masters trained student prepared for the educator role requires supplementary content in the identified area of nursing practice. The National League for Nursing has recognized specific competencies related to the educator role, and also tasks associated with these competencies.

Indirect care providers Roles

The indirect care provider roles are also known as, indirect treatment relationships. Indirect care providers offer care to the order of another person. For instance, a diagnostic screening involves a relationship with the patient, but the diagnostic results go to the direct care provider. Indirect care provider’s roles are for the masters students who are not in direct care practice. These students that are entering in this role need to complete 1,000 hours of mandated clinical experience.

Nurse Administrator

The nurse administrator role is both at the graduate and doctoral category. The students with the graduate lever are required to fill a range of roles and duties across the healthcare delivery system. Also, to the training of the nine Essential areas more comprehensively preparation in Organizational and System Leadership this provides knowledge useful for nursing management roles. The American Organization of Nurse Executive is establishing national recognized and acknowledged competencies for the educational preparation of nurse executives.

Nurse Informatics

The technology of Informatics Guiding Educational Reform proposal represents an agreement of leaders and organizational advocates focused on nursing’s role and responsibility in informatics. In addition to, the development of a minimum set of informatics competencies that all nurses require to have to practice in the current healthcare system. The objective of TIGER is to recognize and acknowledge

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