Differentiate between "leading" and "managing." Based on your experience in the health care industry, explain how an advanced registered nurse can lead well and provide management. Share at least one strategy you have used to effectively lead and manage staff within health care organizations Consider interactions with patients, team members, daily tasks, and responsibilities as you formulate your response.

Leading and managing are often used interchangeably because there are some similarities of responsibilities between them however there are also many differences.For example, managers lead tasks and direct people whereas leaders create a vision and inspire the people around them to help achieve the vision.Leading is more about inspiring, motivating, innovating whereas managing is focused on coordination, planning, organizing, and running projects, they typically are not ones to inspire staff (Pepperdine, 2019). Nurses are transformational leaders whether they recognize it or not. Advanced registered nurses can lead and provide management by building positive relationships and motivating others. In my experience, nurses who can promote improved patient outcomes and increased job satisfaction among nurses are practicing transformational leadership within their practice. You do not have to have the title of a leader to be a transformational leader. In addition, communication is vital in leading and managing staff effectively as well as other qualities of a leader that include but not limited to active listening, conflict resolution skills, compassion, and empathy. When I transitioned to my supervisory role a little over a year ago the department unfortunately had a very negative culture and therefore, I have worked hard to try and improve the culture of the department. I began with getting to know my team on a professional and personal level. Understanding what their goals and aspirations are and how I can help them achieve their goals. I also wanted to learn what inspired them and the processes they used to complete their work including those processes that made their job more difficult. As a new leader I also recognized that I needed to establish trust within my team, same as when I was at the bedside. Trust is essential to any relationship personal or professional. Once the relationship was built and trust was gained, I was able to begin motivating and inspiring my staff. In addition, I allow my staff to present ideas and thoughts in a safe and conducive environment where they do not fear retaliation if their ideas and thoughts aren't aligned with mine or others on the team. As a team, we have built a strong foundation of trust, teamwork, flexibility, respect etc. This all promoted a healthier culture within the department and increased our staff satisfaction. My work is never done, to continue our positive work culture, I need to continue to motivate and encourage my staff, promote teamwork, empower them to continue to be involved in the development and implementation of policies and procedures. This looks different for each person as well; this is why the trust and relationship building are so important. As far as managing my staff I am very transparent with my staff, and I communicate effectively. I set expectations for the practice and their roles, and we work cohesively to meet benchmarks set forth by the organization. I can do this because I have worked on creating an environment that inspires my staff to do better and they want to ensure that our department is succeeding in the metrics set forth by the organization

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