Differences Between Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) And Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy


A major difference between CBT and REBT is that REBT addresses the irrational thoughts and philosophical basis of emotional disturbance based on a client’s personality, which results to solutions that involve unconditional self-acceptance. On the contrary, CBT addresses irrational thoughts based on a client’s disorder through reinforcement of positive qualities which leaves many pitfalls in case of a client’s poor performance (David, Lynn & Ellis, 2010).  CBT insists on psychoeducation as an early vital component of treatment while REBT is highly reliant on psychoeducation in the entire period of treatment CBT vs REBT Essay.

With regards to the therapeutic relationships, CBT emphasizes on having a high quality therapeutic relationship for good treatment outcomes whereas REBT does not recognize the necessity of a therapeutic relationship. In terms of reasoning, CBT utilizes inductive reasoning by laying emphasis on inferential thinking. In contrast, REBT maximizes on deductive thoughts with a focus on evaluative reasoning (Sapp, 2014) v. Generally, these differences would help to gauge the best case practice scenarios that one therapy may be well suited to adequately address a client’s needs as in comparison to another for a mental health counselor.

The Version Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy I Might Use With Clients

The version of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that I might use with clients is Dialectical Behavioral therapy. This form is highly reliable in being able to identify the triggers which result to negative tendencies and thoughts such as self-harm, suicidal thoughts and drug abuse (Craske & American Psychological Association, 2017).  It also provides a mental health counselor with a framework for identifying the irrational and dysfunctional behavior in a client and the tools that can effectively be used to counteract it CBT vs REBT Essay.


From this discussion on the similarities and differences between REBT and CBT, it is rather evident that the latter is more advantageous as compared to the former CBT vs REBT Essay. A perfect example is in the management of self-esteem, the establishment of a therapeutic relationship and thinking style. With this knowledge, mental health counselors are able to apply the most effective therapies depending on a client’s needs.


Brown, L., & Gaudiano, B. (2013). Investigating the similarities and differences between

practitioners of second-and third-wave cognitive-behavioral therapies. Behaviour Modification

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