Developments made in the community care services Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay


Community care services introduced changes such as integrity in the healthcare services, and defined the roles of the medical professions. Ethical values and principles are important as it helps in improving the service values and process that are followed by the professionals. Through a stated standard, it is possible for the management and the nurses to adopt an effective measure that can be used for handling the requirements of the patients. In this process, the challenges and opportunities are analysed for increasing the performances (Bolmsjo et al., 2006).

The nurses and the social care service providers take care of the needs of the clients, by introducing new policies for rendering the services. This change was introduced to improve the integrity values for the service providers.

The developments made are –

As per the act the members of the medical professional the changes are introduced for helping the patients to cope with different types of medical issues. Ethical standards are useful in defining the steps and the processes that can be followed for increasing the service qualities that needs to be provided to the members. Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

Community care act of 2015 defines the rules that state the details about the patients who qualify for the support system provided by the council. People have the right to advocate the support provided for the care needs allocated to the members. The right can be reviewed by the members for analysing the challenges related to the decision-making. Community care services are designed to provide support to the people, after understanding the medical needs of the patients. New measures are adopted by the management for improving the care services intended to be provided to the clients. Social care-support system is drafted after evaluating the personal budget of the members. This method helps the patients to understand the total amount of money that would be spent by the patients.  However there are no legal rights provided to the members that state the benefits that can be provided to the patients. Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

The care system provides the best assistance to the members or the patients, as this help in handling the social care services that are necessary to be provided by the authorities. In the information sharing process, the nurses evaluate the challenges involved with the medical care services that are provided to the members. The regulatory body for the nurses are analysed and communicated with the patients in the right manner (Ulrich , Grady, 2009 pp. 5-7). Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

The nurses are trained and informed about the process and the methods that can be followed for protecting the rights and information of the patients.

What are the developments made in the community care services for equal opportunities made in the care sectors? Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

As per the new community care services act the nurses are expected to follow the stated rues that is mentioned in the care act. The act states the relevance of adopting privacy policies that are essential for protecting the rights of the patients. This helps in implementing the changes or the policies that are required for handling the issues related to sharing of information that is required for evaluating the information about the patients (Javier et al., 2007 pp. 203–208). Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

Social care services

This acts states the policies and the methods that will be followed for protecting the information about the nurses. Special consideration has to be provided to the nurses who shared information with the non-family member of the patients. The nurse could consult with the doctors before sharing the information about the patients. In this process it is necessary for implementing the right process for sharing the information and securing the details (Redman, Fry, 2003). Ethical Dilemma For Nurses Essay

Nurses follow the stated standards that mention the process that can be followed for providing the best healthcare services to the people. The ethical responsibility is associated with analysing the type of treatment plan that can be adopted to help the patients in overcoming the challenges (Aiken et al., 2002).

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