Developing the Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Setting Essay Prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation, with speaker notes, that examines the significance of an organization’s culture and values. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice-over or a video. Refer to the Topic Materials for additional guidance on recording your presentation with Loom. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for References at the end.Developing the Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Setting Essay

Continuous quality improvement is engrained in the culture of all successful healthcare organizations. As future healthcare administrators, it is imperative that we create an atmosphere that ensures quality is delivered to the patient though the care provided under an organization management. While there are many measures that help define quality in healthcare organization, ongoing consistency, reliability, and most importantly accountability are characteristics of an administration that has created a culture of excellence for their patience and staff alike (Joshi, Ransom, Nash, & Ransom, 2014).Developing the Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Setting Essay
Researcher has discovered healthcare managers have a direct influence on several important cultural determinants that are critical…show more content…
A dashboard is a real time interface system that reports on the processes and performance of the individual healthcare system (Joshi, Ransom, Nash, & Ransom, 2014). There are many different types of dashboards and can be specific for each department such as a clinical dashboard for the nursing unit, a hospital dashboard for admissions, and even a patient dashboard for lab turnaround time, just to name a few. The dashboard is built for different departments, working together to achieve the hospitals most important goals, quality. Recently, the use of dashboards has become very popular in the healthcare setting. According to research, dashboards are transforming the way we manage health care (Aydin, 2010). In such a fast paced environment, the need for quick and easy to read information regarding metrics is imperative. The ability to have this information at your fingertips allows managers to make decisions based on continuous information and compare it with that of a national
All health care organizations are responsible for providing the best care possible to its patients. While accidents happen, there is evidence that indicated many adverse events are preventable. The use of safety practices such as crew resource management, computerized physician order entry, and bar coding, are a few strategies that could avoid safety and medical errors (Mitchell, 2008). All health care managers should take action to avoid common, yet dangerous patient safety issues such as, healthcare associated infections and hygiene issues.Developing the Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Setting Essay

Organisational culture refers to ‘the shared beliefs and values guiding the thinking and behavioural styles of members’ (Cooke and Rousseau, 1988, in Bratton 2010: 334), indicating that employees who accept the common values of an organisation and put great effort on commitments are likely to build up a strong culture to an organisation. Edgar Schein (2004) proposed three levels of organisational culture. As employees go through changes, they gain experiences from the past, adapt to a new environment and develop ability to solve problem. The first level is artefacts, which include all visible characteristics of an organisation, for instance, the architectures/furniture in the office, uniforms of employees and language. These are the observable elements of an organisational culture and might influence the way and attitude of how the employees work. The second level is espoused values in which the influence patterns of observable behaviour at work can be recognised. Each member will impose dominant values and rules of conduct about the culture and these affect employees’ certainty to work under a particular area.

The literature review will provide a high-level theoretical background to help reaching an understanding of different theories related to the case study and apply these theories on a practical example to be able to analyse the behaviours at the organisation level as well as the personal level and their interaction within the organisational culture. The reason of analysing the behaviour is the agreement with many researchers those referred to organisational and people behaviour as the clearest indication of culture. This was clear to the extent that Hofstede (cited in (Ulijn and Weggeman, 2001: 492)), one of the most known researchers in organisational culture, referred to culture as ‘behaviour of people based upon a mental programming and its relation with language’ To avoid getting into long discussions of different theories of this rich subject, the literature review will be limited to answering few questions those are directly related to the essay subject. 2.1 What is organisational culture? While going through many references to find a definition of organisational culture, I recalled a statement by Stogdill’s conclusion regarding the definition of leadership: ‘There are almost as many definitions of leadership development as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept’ (Yukl, 2013: 2). The s

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