Developing Organizational Policies and Practices Competing Needs Impacting Upskilling of the Healthcare Workforce


The two competing needs impacting the upskilling of the healthcare workforce in the organization include the need to have competent experts to provide the training during the upskilling process and the need to have the required information technology system and equipment where the staff will be the end-user and utilize the trained skills. The organization has a limited number of skilled experts for retraining the healthcare workforce. A lack of skilled experts may hinder the ability to upskill the healthcare workforce (Chaghari et al., 2017) Developing Organizational Policies and Practices essay. Therefore, this indicates that the organization has a competing need to acquire more experts to bridge the gap existing in ensuring that the organization has an adequate number of experts to regularly retrain the organizational staff. The second competing need is the need to have the required information technology system and equipment where the staff members can always use to carry out organizational operations. Even though information technology can be challenging since it involves a great deal of data sharing with different people and other sectors. The complexity of healthcare information technology needs experts and professionals with the necessary experience, competency, and skills to provide high-quality care (Fukada, 2018). Therefore, there is a need for the healthcare organization to invest in information technology and competent professionals who can provide high-quality care, meet the regulation and legal requirements, and also have a competitive advantage over the other healthcare organizations Developing Organizational Policies and Practices essay.

Policy/Practice to Influence the Healthcare Issue/Stressor

The practice and policy that may influence the upskilling of the healthcare workforce is the need to have the organizational workers engage in mandatory continued professional development regularly. The healthcare workforce is also required to attend all organizational training workshops and conferences that focus on improving the skills and competency of the employees (Abebe et al., 2018). For the healthcare workforce to provide high-quality care and meet the constantly changing healthcare needs, they are supposed to continually update their professional skills, knowledge, practice, and values. Accordingly, our organization has a policy that requires all healthcare works to engage in continuing professional development either formally or informally. The healthcare sector is constantly changing and especially with the technology and this indicates the significance of the policy (Chaghari et al., 2017).

This policy influences the upskilling of the healthcare workforce by ensuring the participation of all healthcare workers in the planning upskilling. The upskilling presents an opportunity for the healthcare workforce to engage in continuing professional development as per the organizational policy Developing Organizational Policies and Practices essay. The upskilling of the healthcare workforce provides the healthcare providers with an opportunity to improve and widen their knowledge base and also enhance skills needed during practice.

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