Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: A description of your core values. A personal mission/vision statement. An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen.

Don Clifton created the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, which is used by millions of people, businesses, and supervisors to improve performance in the workplace (Inc). When you take the CliftonStrengths assessment, you will discover your unique combination of the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. The topics are divided into four categories. The themes describe what is good in humans, a simple but important aspect of human behavior. Each theme can be used separately to describe your strengths or areas where you may need help from others (Gallup Inc.) This discussion’s purposes are to briefly summarize the findings of my Strength finder assessment and to talk about the core values, strengths, and traits I want to develop as a result of the evaluation.

Description of the StrengthsFinder assessment results

My top five themes, as identified by the Gallup Clifton Strong Signature Theme Report for 2023, are harmony, learner, empathy, connectedness, and developer (Gallup Clifton Strengths, 2023). According to my Strength Finder assessment, I am skilled in the Harmony topic of seeking consensus. I prefer finding consensus to engaging in dispute. Those with a specific talent for the learner theme have a strong desire to learn and seek out opportunities to grow. They are more interested in the process of learning than the final product (Gallup Clifton Strengths, 2023). This is definitely true for me because I constantly want to learn new things and get better. I don’t always focus on the end result, but I do have a strong drive to learn and try new approaches to solving issues.

Someone with a special gift for empathy can perceive other people’s emotions by placing themselves in their lives or other people’s circumstances. This is something I constantly hear in my annual evaluations, as well as from my precepts and mentees, so when I saw it in my results, it didn’t faze me. Most of the time, I’m very sensitive to the needs, feelings, and thoughts of others. I have the ability to decipher both what others say and what they choose not to say. I naturally interpret nonverbal signs like handshakes, raised eyebrows, crossed arms, grins, frowns, and raised eyebrows. Connectedness, which indicates I believe in the connections between all things, is another theme that emerged in my assessment results (Gallup Clifton Strengths, 2023).I think there aren’t many coincidences and practically everything happens for a reason. I prefer to be among those whose philosophical outlook provides them both equilibrium and bravery in the face of difficulty. I probably rely on my comprehension of others’ feelings, opinions, and needs to guide me into and through relationships.

I discuss many strategies for establishing, fostering, and maintaining connections between people and groups. I reunite individuals. As I hear my friends say, this is also true to my personal life. Individuals who are particularly gifted in the Developer theme see and develop others’ potential (Gallup Clifton Strengths, 2023).They recognize each tiny improvement’s telltale indicators and take pleasure in it. It’s true that I always assist others develop their potential and I always see it in them. As part of my present responsibilities, I have identified a lot of junior nurses and recommended them for charge nurses and preceptorship classes. These nurses are successfully handling both jobs. Also, I have identified a lot of new nurses, inspired them to enroll in Benner’s novice to expert classes and assisted them in completing their clinical nurse leadership programs.

 Core values, strengths, and characteristics to build on based on assessment results

Time management is the major fundamental value I want to improve. I am a passionate learner, and I could get lost in a book. Sometimes when I need to learn something quickly and it only requires surface knowledge, I might become lost in a sea of information. But, when I am simply given preliminary information and have a deadline to meet, I am obviously not happy. Another factor is that I want to follow all policies and procedures. Even for scheduling, staff vacation, and attendance, I would like to adhere to every single regulation step, so it sometimes irritates me that my management team simply bases its decisions on personal experience and has no understanding of policies. Later, when something goes wrong or a member of our staff complains to HR or the nurses’ union, I get frustrated that we didn’t follow policy even though I was aware of it. As maintaining harmony is my strength, I prefer to avoid disagreements. But I need to get better at having constructive disagreements and advocating for what’s right rather than being afraid of conflict.

Another one of my strengths is empathy, and occasionally this qui

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