Develop a 3-4 page plan to identify the causes of organizational conflict, explain how conflict affects an organization, and select a conflict resolution style to use. Explain conflict negotiation strategies and determine the likely outcomes. Introduction

Causes, Effects and Resolution of Workplace Conflicts
Institution affiliation

Acknowledging the existence of conflicts within the workplace is key to resolving disagreements that may prove detrimental to the growth and development of the organization. Conflicts are a common occurrence in all organizations. Their existence shows a difference in opinions and ideologies within the internal environment. Countering this problem, to make the workplace a good place for productivity requires the leadership and management team to be equipped with the proper conflict analysis (Khan, 2017). They include understanding and resolution skills; this helps mitigate the risk of disagreements escalating to levels that make the internal environment toxic and bad for growth. With a high gender imbalance and diverse top management in terms of race and religion, there are bound to be many conflicts. This essay will discuss the issues imminent and propose the best conflict resolution method.
Factors Responsible for the Conflict
Disagreements, brought about by the difference in purpose, goals, and mission, are the primary cause of conflicts within an organization. The top management in the organization has had a couple of disagreements on the projects funded or sponsored. Lately, issues emanating from race, religion, culture, and gender have rocked management woes between these seven individuals. If they found their way to the public, such issues would be disastrous for the organization in terms of performance. Due to the strict laws on accepting people from all demographics, it is essential to address these issues. Individuals are different based on their upbringings, and colleagues at work should accept and consider this before engaging in disagreements (Khan, 2017).


Considerable differences in the character and personality of individuals are a significant factor in the organization. An organization that embodies a diverse leadership such as ours is subject to intense conflicts. If managed, it can also be a conduit for change and success, serving as a model for diversity and inclusion. The organization has a female director who is Caucasian and four other members, one Hispanic female and two African Americans, of whom one is a male. Personality differences are set to arise due to the evident cultural diversity. Different exposures and interactions with members of the society are experienced differently; thus, lack of understanding for one’s complaints or issues address leads to Conflict (Rubenstein, 2018).
There is a substantial racial and gender difference that leads to the problem of power. Three races are represented, and there is only one male figure in the organization. The rule of one-third should apply where there is no less than one thirds on a gender represented to balance the leadership and make the place hospitable for all.
How Conflict Affects the Entire Organization
Conflicts in top management tend to trickle down to the middle-level management and other employees. If there is Conflict, departmental wars and misunderstandings are experienced, thus, making the place inhospitable. Employees tend to get frustrated during such departmental wars and misunderstandings and may opt to resign or perform poorly. Sensitive workplace issues may leak-out when employees choose to badmouth the top management to outsiders or news outlets, therefore tainting its public image, reducing the financial performance due to reduced sales numbers (Rubenstein, 2018).
Workplace conflicts may also expose employees to mental health issues such as stress and depression. Conflicting commands and requests from different organizational heads means that the employee will be confused about what to do, thus getting exposed to work stress (Babalola et al, 2018). These may extend their negative approach to issues right to their family where they may be constantly tired, frustrated, and angry, thus, suffering from depression. Workplace Stress and depression are a significant concern in the 21st century, where organizations have become more diverse, with each leader wanting to exert their dominance. The stress may arise from the oppression of ideas where any proposals, recommendations, and feedback given by an employee towards a particular cause may go unnoticed or ignored.
Conflict Resolution Style to Be Used
The issues in the organization can be classified as recurrent and highly sensitive. Conflicts based on race, culture, and gender are considered personal attacks on an individual’s character and thus, should be entirely avoided if possible. The best approach in dealing with such a sensitive matter would be to encourage collaboration by focusing on the organizational goals, mission, and vision to achieve a common purpose. A collaborative style in conflic

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