Determine the concept (how is it defined). Identify the type of research design and provide a PDF copy of the article. Determine how the concept was assessed. Be specific by naming the measuring tool. For example, if you are interested in measuring depression in postpartum women, the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale, which is a widely used instrument, may have been used in a study. If a measurement tool was used to collect the data, describe it briefly. (For instance, the Finley Fall scale is a 10-item Likert scale with two subscales.) Describe the tool’s validity and dependability as well. Indicate if the validity and dependability are not described. Describe the specificity and sensitivity if the measure is a diagnostic test. Quantitative Data Collection Rubric 2017.docx

Data Collection Method

Evidence-based practices are made possible through translational research where nurses collect relevant data, analyze and interpret it to make a meaningful conclusion. Accuracy in the findings from such researches depends on the data collection method used. Therefore, the research must always determine the key characteristics of the targeted population and the variables to analyze to develop the best data collection method. Applying wrong data collection will reduce the inferential ability of the study findings to the general population. It is impossible to recruit the entire targeted population in the research processes because of the costs, time, and other resources required. Therefore, a sample may be taken from the population to explore the variables of interest. The current study seeks to explore the impacts of demographic characteristics on the incidences of obesity. The study will involve a quantitative method in answering the research question.

Description of the Chosen Population and Identified Health Need

The incidences of obesity among teenagers and adolescents continue to rise. Such incidences present significant health concerns considering that it predisposes one to cardiovascular diseases among others (“Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity”, 2021). Furthermore, obesity among teenagers and adolescent causes low self-esteem and depression among other mental health issues. People who develop cardiovascular diseases at a younger age are likely to have the condition persist in their lives for their entire adulthood. Such compromises their quality of life. Public health interventions are developed to promote a better quality of life among the populations.

According to Sanyaolu et al. (2019), almost a third of children and adolescents in the U.S have obesity. The rising cases of obesity are attributed to various factors. However, family level of education, socioeconomic factors, and dietary intake patterns could be contributing to the factor. Similarly, various interventions have been developed to fight the disease; though, there are areas that need to be addressed. For example, the government has responded to the issue by taxing unhealthy food to reduce its consumption among the public. According to Aldolaim (2019), obesity remains a major concern that needs to be explored further because of the health risks and financial burdens it presents to the public.

The Most Appropriate Data Collection Method

The study aims at exploring the relationship between the demographic and social characteristics of the population and the risk for obesity. The data collection method will involve the use of both structured interviews and surveys. Surveys are necessary because they will help in reaching out to a large sample population within a short period. The interviews on the other hand, will provide supplementary data for answering the research question. The study hypothesizes that children from low-income families are more likely to develop obesity compared to those from high-income families. Also, the study assumes that the parental education level also influences the risk of childhood obesity among their children. In determining whether the hypothesis is true or not, data on the family income and the parental level of education will be collected. The parental level of education and the economic status will be the independent variables. On the other hand, the dependent variable will be the risk for obesity which will be operationalized into the weight circumference, weight, and height. The data will be used in calculating the BMI values.

Type of Data to Be Collected

The study will be quantitatively based; therefore, the quantitative data will be collected. The quantitative data description involves performing statistical analysis to indicate whether there is an association or variations in the observed phenomenon among different groups. The study will focus on teenagers and adolescents who can be easily obtained in schools. The experiences of the targeted population vary from one region and cultural group. Therefore, there could be modifying variables that will be captured in the study; though, they have a significant impact on the health outcomes for the targeted population. Statistical analysis such as the t-test and ANOVA will be conducted to estimate the variations in the risks for obesity among the various population groups.

Identify Health Indicators Specific to the Population

Teenagers and adolescents are very sensitive because of the many physical and physiological changes that occur in their bodies. On the other hand, parenting patterns have changed significantly among the populations in the current era. Parents no longer have time to interact with their child

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