Describe your personal worldview, including the religious, spiritual, and cultural elements that you think most influence your personal philosophy of practice and attitude towards patient care.

Worldview and nursing process personal statement

Description of my personal worldview

My personal worldview are the principles that guide my decisions and life. They allow me to make sense of my life and world, as well as determine how I perceive my reality. In addition, they guide my ethical and moral beliefs and actions while allowing me to integrate cultural, religious and spiritual elements to respond meaningfully to the challenges and opportunities I face in life (Grinspun & Bajnok, 2018) Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. My worldview as a Christian is that I was created by God and exist to do his service. I believe in the absolute truth that God is the Almighty Creator who has dominion over everything and is all knowing. God defines the world through purity and creativity, and allows humans to exercise freewheel that includes making mistakes for which each personnel will be punished on the Day of Judgment. God created everything that includes humans who are on earth to serve a specific function: serving God. For as long as humans are alive, they must serve God since they will be judged for their actions upon death. The judgment follows a fair reward and punishment system that is based on God’s Ten Commandments as presented in Exodus 20. These commandments have clear prohibitions on the absolute actions that humans can or cannot be participants. For instance, there is a prohibition against killing with the implication that all killers will be judged and punished. Since I believe in God as presented in the Christian religion, I understand that I should spend my life in service to God and observing the Ten Commandments. In this respect, I ascribe to the Christian worldview that the \bible offers all the instructions as to how humans should ideally live their lives. Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.

I understand that I am not a divine being, and as such I am subject to making mistakes. Even with the clear instructions in the bible, I still occasionally make mistakes and would be considered a sinner. However, I try as much as possible to follow God’s instructions and seek forgiveness for mu mistakes. In addition, I try not to intentionally make any mistakes. As a Christian, I look at the bible as the foundation of my life and guide for my actions. Still, I must concede that I am influenced by my environment, particularly the established societal norms. For instance, the Ten Commandments prohibits killing. Nonetheless, as a nurse, I concede that euthanasia makes sense and there are people who experience so much suffering that death acts as a relief for them and the people around them. This implies that although the bible is my foundation, I am influenced by the elements around me and try to make informed decisions that reduce the possibility of conflict. Interactions with my environment have secularized my perception of history, politics, law, science, man and God Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement. I must concede that it is not uncommon for me to experience conflicts between what the bible instructs me to do and what the society expects of me. Still, I typically try to pick decisions that produce the least disruptions to my life. These conflicts (between biblical and environmental influences) act as the basis for all the ethical conflicts I experience such as when facing same-gender marriage, cloning, abortion and stem-cell research subjects. In this respect, my worldview is influenced by the bible and my environment with a focus on trying to lead a Christian life. This worldview has influenced how I perceive my workplace and when providing nursing services, helping in developing standards that help me make decisions that I can live with. Worldview and Nursing Process Personal Statement.

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