Describe the typical foods in your household. The question is useful in evaluating the family’s feeding habits since food is a major contributing factor in obesity and overweight.

Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children

Assessment Tools

The measurement that was chosen is the body-mass index (BMI) using waist circumference. This measurement is used to examine overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity entail the excessive accumulation of fat that is risky to an individual’s health. The prevalence of overweight and obesity is very high, and this comes with health risks like heart disease, diabetes, etc. (Chen et al., 2018). Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

BMI is commonly utilized to examine overweight and obesity since it is a cost-effective and simple measurement. BMI is obtained by dividing the individual’s weight by the square of their height in meter. BMI thus estimates the total body fat and the individual’s risk to develop weight-related diseases (Quadros et al., 2016). Therefore, BMI can screen weight categories likely to pose health risks. High BMI indicates high body fat while low BMI represents low body fat, where high body fat and being underweight pose health problems to an individual (Sijtsm et al., 2014).Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

However, the validity and reliability of BMI measurement in regard to body fat and the risk to diseases related to weight are uncertain because BMI estimates the total body weight but does not quantify the fat distribution and thus it is difficult to link it to cardiometabolic changes. Central fat distribution is attributable to health problems in comparison to the total body fat and hence it may not demonstrate cardiometabolic risk factors effectively (Quadros et al., 2016).Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

Thus, weight circumference and BMI are used together to evaluate overweight/obesity and predict the risk of health conditions related to weight. The waist circumference is used to measure fat’s total distribution within the body and therefore it can effectively predict health conditions related to weight (Aranha et al., 2020). Additionally, abdominal obesity has been shown to increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease; therefore, weight circumference can effectively predict health risks allied to weight.Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

When used together, both waist circumference and BMI are valid and reliable measurement tools to assess overweight/obesity, along with the associated health conditions (Aranha et al., 2020).

Child Assessment and Health Issues/Risks

The child that was chosen is an “overweight child who is a 5-year-old boy with overweight parents”. Nurse practitioners (NPs) play the role of evaluating health risks allied to weight and developing appropriate interventions to address the overweight and associated health risks.Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

Childhood obesity is associated with many health risks, especially if the parents also have overweight problems. Some of the health risks children with obesity face include diabetes, heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, asthma, breathing problems, and hypertension (Fruh, 2017). Additionally, children with obesity face emotional and social problems such as discrimination, bullying by peers, social isolation, negative body image, depression, and low self-esteem (Davidson et al., 2019).    Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

Additional Information

Additional information relevant for further assessment for this child includes the child’s eating and food intake habits; the family health history of conditions such as obesity; and the child’s activity levels, including time spent playing computer games and watching TV. Information about the child’s psychosocial and mental health will be collected to assess the impact of the overweight on the child’s social and emotional aspects (Davidson et al., 2019).Assessment Tools and Diagnostic Tests in Adults and Children.

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