Describe the social determinants of health and explain how those factors contribute to the development of this disease. Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?


Influenza or flu usually causes mild symptoms but at times may be severe and even lead to death. This is dependent on the vaccination status and immune status of the person infected. For instance, children and the elderly with low immunity may easily suffer serious disease if they get infected by the flu virus. Characteristically there is usually a stuffy nose and rhinorrhea that is watery. This is usually but not always accompanies by a sore throat and fever. There may also be a cough and the patient may feel chills despite being febrile. The body may ache and there may also be a headache and a feeling of fatigue (CDC, 2022b; Hammer & McPhee, 2018). These symptoms do not all occur in everyone who has been infected with flu. Some people may exhibit some of the symptoms and others may not. A case in point is fever. It is not everyone that has flu that will present while febrile. This is a very important diagnostic point to note. As a matter of fact, some patients may even have diarrhea and vomiting when infected with the flu virus. These are however not common manifestations.

Mode of Transmission

The influenza viruses are very contagious viruses and easily jump from one host to another. Transmission is characteristically by aerosol or droplets from infected persons that are coughing and sneezing (CDC, 2022b). This is the rationale for wearing a face covering at times of influenza outbreaks. They provide a physical barrier to prevent the virus in respiratory droplets from being inhaled by a healthy person. A sick person with influenza may also wipe their nose or sneeze into the palm of their hand and then rub the mucus onto surfaces such as door knobs and handles. When another person touches these and then touches their nose or mouth they will get infected with the influenza virus. For persons that are intimate, they may also get infected through actions such as kissing and exchanging saliva (CDC, 2022b; Hammer & McPhee, 2018). These are the most common ways in which the influenza viruses spread and are transmitted.

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