Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family

The Social determinants of health (SDOH) affect the health status of the Spanish
American nuclear family with a father, mother, and three daughters. The SDOH relevant to the
family include the intangible socioeconomic, political, and cultural factors as well as location
conditions that determine the accessibility of healthcare, education, and safety of the surrounding
environment (Carina & Eva, 2014, p 58). According to the initial family interview and
assessment, the first SDOH is the safe housing, transport system, and safe neighborhood which
enhance the health of the family. In this case, the middle income family lives in a leafy urban
area which has low level of crime rate and exposure to violence. According to the assessment,
the family has integrated well with the neighboring community and social support and
community inclusivity has helped the family maintain good health. The third identifiable SDOH
for the family is the good education of both parents and daughters. In this case, all family

members are fluent in Spanish and English language and thus can access healthcare information
with ease (Carina & Eva, 2014, p 59).
The fourth factor is access to nutritious food choices due to better occupation of both
parents. The father and mother have financial responsibility of providing good meals and this
improves the health status of the family. However, a general laxity to read nutritional packaging
information of snacks and foods purchased in urban areas is a risk factor that can significantly
contribute to ill health (Carina & Eva, 2014, p 50). The fifth factor is the access to clean
environment and safe drinking water. In this case, the family is able to refrain from contacting
contagious diseases like cholera outbreak and corona virus due to positive beliefs regarding a
personal responsibility in maintaining good health. The sixth factor identified by the assessment
is the danger of lack of recreational and leisure opportunities for the family. The factor presents a
risk due to busy schedules of the parents and children, and lack of adequate time for physical
exercises and fitness activities.

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