Describe the potential health risks for obesity that are of concern for Mr. C. Discuss whether bariatric surgery is an appropriate intervention.

Question 3: Functional Health Pattern (FHP)

Functional health patterns in nursing involve one’s perception of his/ her health, health management programs, and role relationship and impact (Khatiban et al., 2019). Mr. C’s case shows that he has a good perception of his health. He understands that he is overweight and has made previous attempts to cut down on weight.  Health management programs employed include salt and fat restrictions. These previous trials have failed hence he has sought further intervention. He reports having unresolving obesity which could be exacerbated by the sedentary nature of his work.  Sleep apnea and exertional dyspnea are a result of the accumulation of fat on the neck and pharyngeal wall. This poses difficulty in exercise, further worsening his obesity. patients should be educated on the impact of obesity on general life productivity. They need to understand how obesity impacts sexual health and general stress tolerance.

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