Describe the organization's culture and explain to what degree the culture supports change. Consider organizational and leadership structure, mission and values, inter-professional collaboration/team engagement, communication, perception of the organization by employees.

A company's cultural environment is the sum of its norms, values, and beliefs. Organizations have numerous rules and values. Certain codes of conduct are clear, such as a company-wide policy prohibiting personal phone calls during business hours. A company's culture is made up of explicit and implicit components that influence how employees think and act. It also affects how employees engage with coworkers, clients, etc. A culture's ability to support change is vital. Adaptability is critical to a company's survival. It is difficult for a company's culture to adjust to shifting conditions. People who embrace change will be better equipped to adapt and succeed in an ever-changing world. The ability to compete and survive in a changing environment allows companies with change- friendly cultures to have a competitive advantage. This can be determined by asking "How open is the culture to fresh ideas?" In a company with a resistance to change culture, adaptation may be difficult. People who embrace change will be better equipped to adapt and succeed in an ever- changing world. In a rapidly changing economy, companies with change-friendly cultures are better suited to compete and survive. Achieving transformative change is difficult at times, but when the right conditions are in place, it is quite simple. To identify weaknesses in an approach and suggest alternatives, people need to feel comfortable expressing their views without fear of punishment. When employees feel a feeling of shared purpose, they are more willing to work together. People are more likely to take advantage of opportunities if they have access to experts who can guide and mentor them. Transformative change is frequently tough to achieve, but when the appropriate conditions are in place, it becomes much more straightforward. When people feel comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of retaliation, they are more likely to spot flaws in a strategy and suggest other methods of going about things. Employees are more willing to collaborate to achieve a goal when they have a sense of shared purpose. When individuals have access to specialists who can guide and mentor them, they are more likely to take advantage of the chances that are presented to them.

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