Describe the nurse's role and responsibility as health educator. What strategies, besides the use of learning styles, can a nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational programs in health promotion?

Describe the nurse's role and responsibility as health educator. What strategies, besides the use of
learning styles, can a
nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational
programs in health
promotion? When should behavioral objectives be utilized in a care plan or health promotion?


A nurse’s role and responsibility as a health educator is to participate in identification of
patient disease information needs and engage in health promotion. A nurse should understand
patient needs, learning characteristics, and desired learning outcomes (Bahar, 2013). The main
strategies that a nurse can utilize, besides use of learning style include role playing and game
simulations (Talbot & Verrinder, 2010). The strategies entail advocating for good health habits
from the patient such as smoking cessation and routine exercising. The nurse educator can also
advocate for development of personal skills like communication skills and good personality by
the patient (Talbot & Verrinder, 2010).
Behavioral objectives are utilized in a care plan or health promotion when teaching the
patient how to respond to specific needs whereby the intention is to bring a change. Behavioral
objectives should be used when the care plan is clear and appropriate for the patient since
behavior is learned and difficult to unlearn (Talbot & Verrinder, 2010). The behavioral
objectives are incorporated where the outcomes are measurable using a specified criteria and
specific to the unique needs of the patient. In this case, the approach is useful in responding to a
patient disease condition (Bahar, 2013).
Bahar, S. (2013). Health behaviors: Emerging research perspectives. London: Springer Science.
Talbot, L & Verrinder, G. (2010). Promoting health: The primary health care approach.
London: Elsevier health sciences.

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