Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.

1. Describe the family structure. Include individuals and any relevant attributes defining the family composition, race/ethnicity, social class, spirituality, and environment.

Family structure

For a family of 7 people including the parents of 40-45 years, the grandparents of 70-75 years and three children of 10, 13, and 17 years respectively. The family is a Caucasian one who follows Christianity and lives in their family-owned home in Kensington, Victoria the business district of Melbourne, Australia. The father is an accountant in a business organization and the mother teaches as a senior teacher in a school nearby. The children go to the same school and the grandparents are regular members of the community church and do voluntary and paid work for them from time to time. The family regularly visits their neighbours and has weekend hangouts with their friends (Lindblom, 2017). The functional assessment of the health of few school children and adults has given the result that most of them face chronic pain while being differently-abled in either hand, feet or in other body parts (Kohls, Walker et. al, 2016).


2. Summarize the overall health behaviors of the family. Describe the current health of the family.

Overall health behavior of the family

As assessed from the interview questionnaire, and the responses, it could be observed that it is the mother who takes care of the health of all the family members. According to her, the children regularly have salads and homemade soup, and they are not allowed to have fast food. The grandparents go to a laughing club every weekend, but nowadays they are not going for the same. The father goes to work in the government labour department, and does not get much time for exercise. The mother teaches in a neighbourhood school, gets home by 5pm, and watches soap operas in television, while the father reads newspapers.

3. Describe at least two of the functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings. Discuss three areas in which health problems or barriers to health were identified.

Functional health strengths and health problems

The two major functional health strengths of the family assessed here are regularly going for evening walks and regular intake of water, green vegetable, and fruits. The three major problem areas in health regarding this family are stress and anxiety situations have known to increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels suddenly. Children lead mostly an inactive lifestyle with most playing with video games and rarely taking part in any outdoor activity, therefore, they face pain in feet and hands due to the same reason (Kohls, Walker et. al, 2016).Women of the family suffer from breathing problems and get tired easily after doing household work. In addition to this, the children get seven to eight hours of sleep while the elders like the parents, and grandparents get five to six hours of sleep. The grandparents suffer from health issues like joint pain and high blood pressure. The parents have complaints of stress, depression, and anxiety due to work pressures and untimely food intake (Fang, Vincent 2015). According to (Fang, Vincent 2015), the assessment of the few adults suffering from sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS have given the results that these individuals are coping up with stress, anxiety, and depression with the support of their family, and peers.

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