Describe the effect of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and community. Consider short-term and long-term impacts, socioeconomic implications, the need for ongoing care, and comorbidities associated with prematurity. Explain how disparities relative to ethnic and cultural groups may contribute to low birth weight babies. Identify one support service within your community to assist with preterm infants and their families and explain how the service adequately addresses the needs of the community, or a population in your community. Provide the link to the resource in your post. NRS-434VN Health Assessment

Provide the link to the resource in your post. Studies show that 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely in the United States.Premature birth is defined as a baby who is born before 37 weeks.Low birth weight and preterm births remain the most significant contributor to infant mortality in the United States. The percentage varies greatly among different cultural, ethnic and racial groups. Premature babies are prone to more health problems and this risk increases the more premature they are. They simply have not had enough time to grow and develop in utero. They commonly have issues with breathing on their own, difficulty regulating their body temperature, and lack the strength and sometimes reflexes to suck and swallow.Sometimes all they need is a short stay in the neonatal intensive care unit to feed and grow, but sometimes they can face challenges later in life.The earlier they are born the greater risk at long term complications.

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