Describe the characteristics of performance-driven team. Describe the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and explain why it is important in understanding the types of motivation when it comes to team performance


The main characteristics of performance-driven team include a clear understanding of the
shared goals and role expectations by the members of the team (Mosser & Begun, 2013).
Performance-driven teams have a strong sense of accountability and trust among team members
due to similar norms. The third characteristic is effective and open communication since
members are comfortable while speaking their minds and can express concerns regarding teams’
work (Tibolet, 2013). Performance-driven teams are relatively ambitious in attaining their
strategic goals than normal teams due to sense of ownership of team’s success and a sense of
personal accountability for superior work performance. Another characteristic is the diversity of
ideas and opinions and creativity exhibited by the team (Tibolet, 2013).
Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal driven to do something that has no material
rewards or packages or even deadlines (Mosser & Begun, 2013). Intrinsic motivation is about
sense of duty and includes enjoyment of collaboration and positive affirmations in a team
(Tibolet, 2013). Extrinsic motivation entails performing work or learning new skills due to
avoidance of punishment and rewards. Examples include salary and bonuses (Mosser & Begun,
It is important to understand the type of motivation since intrinsic motivation ties the
team closer to its goals unlike extrinsic motivation. The difference is important since in order to
devise ways of motivating the team members (Tibolet, 2013). For instance, a sense of
accountability offers intrinsic motivation for high performing teams unlike normal teams that
prefer external material benefit like high salaries (Mosser & Begun, 2013). The type of
motivation determines the preferred leadership style, the need for supervision, and amount of
financial rewards to be offered to the team members (Tibolet, 2013). The type determines the
sense of accountability and the possibility of meeting tight deadlines.


Mosser, G & Begun, J.W. (2013). Understanding teamwork in health care, McGraw Hill
Tibolet, W.C. (2013). The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and
organizational commitment: A study in a European environment, ProQuest.

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