Describe how learning in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 1: Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles (Holistic Health & Patient-Centered Care). Provide at least two specific examples.

This course taught me that a holistic approach while caring for a patient is important for the healing process. Providers will be able to identify socioeconomic, behavioral, spiritual, and lifestyle impacts on mental health and treat them effectively. I have learned that interviewing the patient thoroughly is very important in providing high-quality and safe treatment. It helps us identify symptoms related to the disease, any risk factors, previous treatment, allergies, and contraindications. It is important to make a list of differential diagnoses to rule out possible diagnoses. A clinician should be mindful of patients' emotions, hesitancy, and fear of sharing personal information with them therefore a trustful patient-clinician relationship is important. Select one of the competencies fromAACN Essentials Domain 2Links to an external site.listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the advanced- level nursing education competency. Provide at least two specific examples. Trusting, therapeutic communication is important for patient-provider relationships. While communicating with the patient, active listening, validating their feelings and a non- judgmental approach help built the patient's trust in the provider. There is an evidence-based finding showing that therapeutic communication by PMHNP improves patient satisfaction

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