Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers

The state of Florida faces barriers in the advancement of nursing including the inability to involuntarily commit a suicidal patient under the Baker Act, the need to have a supervisory agreement with a Florida Licensed physician, inability to sign death certificates, lack of recognition as primary care providers on Medicaid and Medicare and private insurance company provider panels and other restrictions (FLANP, n.d). The advocates of nurses in Florida have fought to ensure nurses have full authority of practice to be recognized as primary healthcare providers and to ensure they can provide care without supervision. Also, the coalition has brought recommendations on a partnership of nurses with other care providers which gives them a chance to contribute and be seen as a primary health care provider. Also, the coalition has fought for an improved education system which will ensure well trained and equipped advanced nurses in the healthcare system who can fully practice without the need for supervision. Also, effective workforce planning has been developed by the coalition for ensuring that nurses being employed for certain positions are well equipped with the skills and knowledge needed hence the ability to fully practice as primary care providers

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