Definition Essay: Athletes' Use of Steroids


Athletes' use of steroids is very common in sports and is nothing to frown upon. Athletes have a very tough job and they have to remain physically fit at all times. Their job is very demanding and they need to exert their bodies to their limits. This can be a very difficult thing and many athletes choose to take steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs in order to keep performing well.

Steroids are basically a form of drugs and many people are against athletes using such drugs. They say that steroids give the athlete using them an unfair advantage over others not using them since steroids and performance-enhancing drugs give them more energy and stamina. Others disagree and say that steroids are just like any other nutrient that humans intake in order to increase improve their bodies and performance. Doctors believe that steroids can be harmful to the body because they can coax the body to grow and develop in an unnatural manner.

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