Define your areas of strength and weaknesses regarding forensic practice. What are your goals for future practice? What limitation can you self-identify and how can you address these areas?


The area I have found interesting is that the career is important and fulfilling, especially when it involves ensuring the safety of the public and solving crimes. My work has been used in courts of law to ensure that dangerous criminals are out behind bars (Drake et al., 2018). The other strength is that the career deals with many other fields of medicine and even the criminal justice system. I am good at this since I enjoy reading about other fields and interacting with other professionals in my professional life. The profession is quite diversified, and as a practitioner, I always find all my skills useful.

The weaknesses in the practice have been the nature of work, as sometimes victims’ bodies are found in bad conditions (Drake et al., 2018). When they are brought into the laboratory, the forensic staff have to spend considerable time on the bodies and with chemicals to determine the cause of death. Some scenes are too gruesome and will result in mental health issues later on the practitioners.

One of the initiatives I have opted for is seeking counselling to deal with gruesome images and scenes likely to affect me (Drake et al., 2018). Counsellors will always find a way of ensuring that the work environment does not harm the personal lives of practitioners.

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