Decision # 3: Continue dose. Explain to the patient he may split the 50 mg tablet in half. The decreased dose should minimize next-day drowsiness. Follow up in 4 weeks.

Decision # 3: Continue dose. Explain to the patient he may split the 50 mg tablet in half. The decreased dose should minimize next-day drowsiness. Follow up in 4 weeks.

Trazodone, an SSRI with a reduced risk of adverse effects, has been my choice for continued use due to its favorable profile. Notably, Trazodone has been clinically proven to improve sleep patterns within a short period of time, and its benefits often outweigh any potential drawbacks. This makes it an ideal option for individuals seeking a reliable sleep aid. To avoid complications with sleep patterns, it is generally not recommended to immediately start taking a new medication like Sonata. Another reason I did not select Hydroxyzine is because it is an antihistamine with potent tranquilizing properties. Current studies, such as the one conducted by Burgazli et al. (2023), have shown that many people experience sleepiness as a side effect of Hydroxyzine. Furthermore, individuals have reported negative anticholinergic effects, including dry mouth and dry eyes, the day after using this medication.

Considering the drowsiness experienced by the client as an adverse effect, it would be prudent to reduce the dosage of trazodone by half and reassess the client’s condition in four weeks. With this adjustment, I am hopeful that by the time the client returns to the facility, the sleepiness will have diminished, and the problem of sleeplessness will have significantly improved.

At this point, an important ethical consideration is to involve the client in the decision-making process, ensuring they fully comprehend the rationale behind continuing the medication. Effective communication between the practitioner and the client will enable the exchange of vital information, including potential adverse effects associated with the prescribed medicine. This will facilitate the implementation of appropriate adjustments to ensure the client’s complete recovery while minimizing the risk of any adverse health effects.


In conclusion, sufficient sleep is not a luxury but a fundamental requirement for optimal health. By understanding the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation and addressing the factors that contribute to disrupted sleep patterns, we can pave the way for improved well-being, enhanced cognitive function, and a healthier society as a whole. It is important to prioritize the importance of sleep and work towards creating environments that facilitate restful nights, ultimately nurturing a generation that thrives both physically and mentally.



Bouchette, D., Akhondi, H., & Quick, J. (2022). Zolpidem.

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