Cyber-Bullying and Ways to Solve the Problem




The primary goal of the given study is the investigation of cyber-bullying, which is nowadays one of the integral parts of social media and the Internet. In accordance with the research, this phenomenon becomes one of the main sources of problems and negative associations people might experience when using new social platforms or other sites that provide the opportunity to communicate and engage in mediated conversation.

Today, people spend much time using these technologies and devoting their attention to this sort of activity. Because of the opportunity to preserve anonymity and remain unknown to the interlocutor, many individuals might offend others seeking pleasure or some other emotions (Gordon, 2019). Due to the fast development of this sector, this tendency poses a real threat to the growing number of individuals who can be characterized as Internet users, regardless of their age, gender, race. In such a way, cyber-bulling is one of the most undesired elements of social networks and media that should be eliminated by utilizing various approaches.

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The focus of the given research is to outline possible solutions that can be used by individuals or victims to avoid cyber-bullying or cope with it to preserve positive emotions associated with the use of the Internet. The need for the given solution is critical as this negative practice might significantly increase the risk of suicide, mental and health problems such as anxiety, humiliation, or isolation, and loneliness.

The hypothesis of the study is the following:

Cyberbullying negatively affects Internet users and preconditions the appearance of suicidal inclinations, feeling of anxiety, or psychological disorders, which means that the introduction of effective solutions to it is critical to improving the situation.

The offered research report will explain all aspects of the selected problem and outline key findings that should be mentioned regarding the topic.


The methodology for the given project presupposes the combined approach. First, the survey is used to collect information about cyber-bullying and how it affects people. Second, there is a review of published research materials devoted to the given topic to create the theoretical framework for the discussion of the selected problem and its improved understanding. The utilization of these two approaches is expected to have a positive impact on the research as it will increase its credibility, relevance and make the conclusion more important for future studies.


The survey is designed to conduct research among the group selected for this study. The target audience is teenagers, boys, and girls who are the most evident victims of cyber-bullying as they spend the bigger part of their everyday life on the Internet.

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