Critical Essay on Negative Effects of Bullying

Introduction :

According to Edwards (2019) , bullying is a physical or verbal violence that is replicated over a duration of time which, unlike pettiness, implies an imbalance of power. The general definition of an abuser is a kid who participates in such conduct is having even more control , even though their victims were equal in power as them. Bullying has been identified as a common and often overlooked phenomenon in schools around the world, and thus has severe consequences for kids whom are abused by bullying and even those who conduct the abuse. An increasingly number of studies throughout the last Fifteen years has said that both abusers and offenders seem to be at threat on both long and short run development problems and mental difficulties (Swearer et al , n.d). It can have a huge negative impact, mostly on the offender and the victim It may also be portrayed by the constant use of a higher standing of the victim to exercise authority and harm the victim , like calling names, chitchat, exposure, distributing of lies, intimidation. This happens mostly between school students , and although there may be a history of abuse through generations, As an example, most times it is said that the harassers are taller, wealthier, bigger, having more mates, and so on, that adds to an actual power disparity as well as interpreted. There are a range of methods that survivors and abusers could use to get rid of bullying, as well as family members and educators can use to prevent abuse at school. The effect of bullying on the students differs from a student to another, since everyone perceives situations differently.

Statement of the problem :

Some statistics on bullying suggest that while 30 percent of high school students admit that they have bullied other students. For more than six months, Approximately from 10% to 14% of children have been the victim of bullying. While 28 percent of grade six to 12 students have a history of being the victim of bullying (Edwards , 2019). Many students are experiencing bullying on their schools. The purpose of this article is to determine the negative impacts of bullying on students’ mental health and on the educational level.

Research question :

Bullying has a severe negative impacts on students’ mental health and on their educational level. The conclusion of the above data leads to answering the following question ; how far could bullying affect students’ mental health and their educational level negatively?

Significance of the study :

There are three main primary groups that will benefit from this article. The first group , consists of the school students that may learn how bullying can affect their mental health. Identifying the negative effects may help them to take actions and overcome these effects. Through sharing this knowledge, students could be able to help themselves. The second group are the parents of the students as if they knew much about the problem, they would be able to be helpful for their children and secure them from being bullied and from it’s negative impacts on their mental health. Finally, teachers would be helped from this article because they would know ways to stop bullying in their classes and would know how to deal with the bully and the victim.

Types and causes of bullying:

-Types :

There are at least three different sorts of bullying: bodily harassment : is any unwelcome physical violence between both the survivor and the abuser , may involve trying to push, getting hit, scratching , trying to kick and sometimes even attempting to attack others, and verbal abuse is any libelous comments or allegations that lead to psychological damage to the survivor , refers to the use of statements to hurt others by hypocritical comments, , trying to mimic, title-calling, insulting, trying to intimidate, mocking or violent threats. Relational harassment can cause harm to emotional well-being of the individual, concentrates on eliminating anyone from a social circle, mainly via threats of physical harrasment, making up lies or other forms of intimidation. Aggressive harassment requires an abuser who responds to being just a longtime victim by selecting anyone else. Bullying may further include violent attack on the property of an individual if the victim has taken away or destroyed his or her personal belongings. Studies indicate that one of the most common form of bullying is verbal abuse, accompanied by social and bodily types (James , 2010). To conclude , the types of school bulling can be divided into ; verbal , emotional & physical.

-Causes :

The reasons of the bullying are various, complicated, and hard to uncover. It is quite possible there are a whole variety of interrelated reasons that ultimately lead to abuse; others refer to the community or the environment, while others refer to perso

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