Creating a Professional Development Plan NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan


Nursing educators are faculty members of nursing schools and colleges and are responsible to teach and train new nurses so that they will be able to provide quality care to their patients in the future. The role of nursing educators is to teach clinical skills, and patient cares to new nurses and may provide them with best collaborative practices in both the academic and research side of the nursing profession (Wittenberg et al, 2021). Nurse educators may not only perform as a teacher, but may also serve as administrators, advisors, clinical coaches, lab instructors, and so on (KEYPATH EDUCATION, 2020). A concise professional development plan helps attain the desired results of nursing education. In this paper, we will develop a professional development plan by describing the area of focus, professional goals, influences, analysis, and leadership roles. 

Area of focus

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan

Nursing education is a wide field and has a large number of areas to focus on. I will try to limit my practice to clinical supervision. Clinical supervision is the formal process of the nursing profession that may allow the graduate to enter the work field and deliver quality care to patients by using their professional expertise and skills (Jangland et al, 2021). These clinical supervisors are responsible to guide the nursing students that how to deal with patients. This area of focus, which is unique from the nurse educator’s academic focus, includes evidence-based practice for this study. Tried methodologies and healthcare practices are crucial to ensure the capacity of nurses at the time working directly with patients. MSN-prepared competencies are required to apply for the post of clinical supervisor (Beeber et al, 2019). The clinical supervisor has all the skills to apply Evidence-based practice in casework and may supervise the nursing practitioners.

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan 

Nursing educators are also able to get the data from recent research and may apply this in their field. They should have all the skills to conduct research and can locate the data in their particle field of practice. The clinical supervisor should have all the skills to translate the practice into the workplace, as in most cases there is a need to adjust the evidence-based practice by seeing the current situation of the patient (Ammentorp et al, 2022). This strategy works best for the better health outcome of the patient and is useful for clinical supervisors to use for the efficacy of treatment plans. Moreover, the clinical supervisor should also have leadership skills, as they have to train the nurses toward better practice and may improve their knowledge and practices. In addition to that, nurse educators should be dedicated to training and may promote the nurses rather than focusing on their careers exclusively on patient care. From the research of Bullington et al (2019), it is found that nurse educators must include the skills of active listening, personal stress management, communication, and so on. 

Professional Goals

NURS FPX 6103 Assessment 4 Creating a Professional Development Plan

Professional goals are said to be concrete objective that someone desire to achieve in their career. These can be in the form of skills, milestones, salaries, and so on (Greco et al, 2019). In the case of developing a professional plan for nurses’ education, the first professional goal should be the development of education programs for the practical training of nurses. This will help the nurses to get hands-on experience with dummy patients. Achieving this may take up to ten years of dedicated effort. The development of education programs may help the nurses to polish their skills and will be able to provide quality care to their patients. This goal is in accordance with my philosophy of nursing, as nurses will be able to provide quality care to their patients and it may depend upon the observation of nurse practices and how much they can understand all things.

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My second career objective is to teach about pediatric care. Being a nurse with expertise and a genuine interest in working with children, I am well-suited to this field. For this reason, as an MSN nurse educator, I will be able to better instruct new nurses in the art of pediatric care thanks to my prior expertise in the field. Receiving high-quality and specialized training in pediatric case management will help me a lot to achieve this goal. Case management, in addition to clinical supervision, is a field I hope to work in. So, a

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