Course Evaluation Template on Bullying Education in Nursing NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template


Evaluating educational programs is just as crucial to any curriculum as the delivery of nursing courses. To establish the value of the topic it is evaluating, an assessment utilizes criteria, which are a set of norms. Therefore, the course assessment is a survey that the instructor distributes after the course to gather data on what the learner liked and disliked and if the learning module’s objectives were reached (Sidhu & Park, 2018). These assessments also allow learners to receive teacher feedback, enabling them to assess if the knowledge they have acquired will be applied and providing them with a means of raising the educational value (Tawafak et al., 2019).

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The following assessment form was developed to assess the results of the program. The goal of utilizing this scale is to gauge the student’s proficiency with computing and data analysis. The Likert scale is trustworthy and valid. The one we utilized for our examination of assessments contains five levels of agreement (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree) on a given topic (Boateng et al., 2018).

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template

Analysis of the assessment criteria is one metric that may be used to ascertain whether or not the outcomes were met. As was already indicated, the criteria feature gradations from complete agreement to complete dissent. Analyzing the criteria allows one to see if a student has agreed or disagreed with the program outcomes as a result of their learning. Using the survey responses, we can calculate the percentage of learners who agree they have learned. And how to utilize technology in healthcare compared to those who disagree or partially understand the program outcomes. This offers a quantifiable approach to gauging success in 

terms of desired objectives. As learners progress through the course, the template will measure their level of contentment and the success of the program (Padilha et al., 2019).

Template for Evaluating Learning Outcomes

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template

The Likert Scale will be used to evaluate the success of the course’s teaching and learning methods. Learners’ responses on these forms will be compiled, analyzed, and evaluated to achieve this goal. In this exercise, the learner’s comments will be sorted into three piles: disagreement, partial agreement, and agreement. The percentages of learners who are confident in their knowledge and those who are not will be determined based on their answers. The answers will reveal the degree to which the student is prepared to use bullying education in integrated settings. The aforementioned form can be used to evaluate success in learning by assessing learners’ test scores. The Likert scale will be used to corroborate the results of the study (Brown Tyo & McCurry, 2019). The learning outcomes and learners’ levels of mastery of those goals may then be obtained directly from the template.

Assessment Strategies

NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template

Assessment strategies will include open-ended and closed-ended questions to provide students with a more well-rounded experience and better assess the course material. The purpose of the course evaluation is to find out if the students learned what they were supposed to learn from the beginning to the end of the course, based on the learning outcomes, program results, and instructional methods employed (Rajak et al., 2019).

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