Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position.



Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is a responsibility of all nurses and addresses
challenges of the health care industry. CQI is a structured process that entails interprofessional
collaboration and proactive improvements in care process to provide quality outcomes (Moran &
Johnson, 1992, p 58). CQI is attained by implementing evidence-based nursing practices and
making deliverable steps at enhancing all quality measures in delivery of care (Hughes, 2008).
For instance, nurses should actively reduce the patient waiting time, enhance the efficiency of
patient transfers, and minimize the rate of patient readmissions in improving the quality of care
(Moran & Johnson, 1992, p 45). The nurses champion improvement efforts and take
accountability for their roles in offering high quality services to patients.
CQI concept includes quality assurance that ensures nursing care meets predetermined
standards. CQI requires use of quality improvement forums and quality circles to facilitate
coordination of improvement efforts and ensure attained standards meet the external regulatory
agency standards (Moran & Johnson, 1992, p 56). The nurse leader should structure the
workplace in a manner that ensures nurses take proactive actions in improving care. CQI also
focuses on problem solving and nurses are required to collect adequate data that identifies the
likely sources of problems or factors that hinder quality care and take action in ending the
problems (Hughes, 2008).
An example of how I will apply CQI in my current position is improvement of patient
safety at the health facility and achieving better patient outcomes. In this proactive endeavor, I
will implement a deliberate action plan and strategies of addressing the leading causes of poor
patient safety at the facility (Hughes, 2008). In this case, I will strive to minimize or eliminate
medical errors, ensure safe hospital environment, and minimize patient falls that lead to harm
and injuries to inpatients. I will implement electronic health records that eliminate medical
records errors and provide a guideline of patient handling procedures to minimize injuries. I will
provide protective clothing and equipment to all medical staff and ensure faster response to
patient concerns by nurses. The actions will reduce patient falls and enhance patient safety at the
hospital (Hughes, 2008).


Hughes, R. (2008). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses, US
Department of Health and Human Services.
Moran, M.J & Johnson, J. E. (1992). ‘Quality improvement: the nurse’s role’, ANA Publ, 80 (7),
pp 45-61.

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