Contemporary Issue and Associated External Stressors Research the range of contemporary issues and resources teenagers face today. In a 500-750-word paper, choose one issue (besides teen pregnancy) and discuss its effect on adolescent behavior and overall well-being. Include the following in your submission:

Contemporary Issue and Associated External Stressors

“One way or another, we all have to find what best fosters the flowering of our humanity in this contemporary life and dedicate ourselves to that.” (Joseph Campbell). A contemporary issue is an issue currently affecting people or places that is unresolved. It is a course designed to assist students’ recognition of political, social, economic and ideological developments facing the world today (Mondada, 2019). External stressors are sources of stress, including traumas, life experiences or daily hassles. It is the source of stress inside people and is often the most common source of stress. External stressors in adults can be termed as dealing with physical and cognitive changes of puberty, family and peer conflicts, or even being exposed to violence or sexual harassment. This essay will explore the contemporary issue and the external stressors associated with the issue, assessment strategies for screening this issue, and finally, look at the support options for adolescents encountering external stressors.

Contemporary Issue and the External Stressors Associated with the Issue

The commonly faced contemporary issue by teenagers today is depression. Teenage depression is a mental health problem leading teenagers to feel sad and lose interest in activities. It affects the way one feels, thinks, and behaves and causes physical, emotional and functional problems, which is a life-threatening concern to teenagers today. Teenage depression is a leading cause of teenage suicide, where suicide is the second cause of death in youth aged 10-24 years (Spiller et al., 2019). With the looming of information technology (IT), precisely information and communication technology, the role of the internet, principally social media, has grown exponentially. The increasing amount of information offered by the internet to its users has led to the development of addition toward the continued consumption of data becoming highly predictable. Teenagers are particularly endangered of developing internet addiction disorder (Gupta et al., 2018). With the presence of the stressors such as peer pressure to be the main character of the social network or a particular online community, adolescents are permitted to develop various comorbid health problems, mainly manifesting themselves in the form of anxiety where they can reach the form of depression. Overusing the internet and the uncontrollable urge to consume online data leads to sleep problems, impulsivity, mood disorder and extreme causes such as suicidal ideations. To overcome these issues, active education is advisable to teach adolescents moderation in their internet use.

Assessment Strategies to the Screening for Internet Addiction and External Stressors

The external symptoms of internet addiction disorder may vary across the target demographic, but the common signs of developing such addiction while failing to handle it separately can still be identified with an appropriate test. For internet addiction disorder, the internet process addiction test can be used as it allows the detection of symptoms indicating that internet overuse is reaching an extraordinary rate and needs to be handled with appropriate mediation and therapy (Jo et al., 2019). This test allows the determination of the extent to which an adolescent depends on the consumption of the data generated on the internet. Not only can the tool determine the presence of vital symptoms, but also it allows the location of external stressors leading to the aggravation of the patient’s condition.

Support Options for Adolescents Encountering External Stressors

Although external stressors such as internet addiction disorder can affect adolescents, some methods have been developed to overcome this addiction. Many support options have been developed for teenagers struggling to overcome their addiction to social networks and other information sources provided by the internet. Another program helping teenagers who are struggling to overcome addiction and need to receive guidance from healthcare providers in overcoming it is the restart. This program shows that it gradually affects teenagers’ tendency towards overusing IT and ICT technologies, mainly social media (Chan et al., 2018). The program can also affect adolescents’ need to consume online information. In spite of the positive effects of the restart tool, other trailblazing suggestions to address internet addiction treatment are required so that new factors motivating adolescents to overuse the internet can be addressed. As a result, the issue of internet addiction represents a vital public health concern that displays itself precisely in adolescents, and a health literacy program is needed.


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