Consider the organization’s mission and vision. Does the plan in your PDSA trials fit with the organization’s practice and model? For example, do they include thoughtful strategies that fit with the culture of your staff and patients?


GMHHC is a medical facility concerned with providing health care services. The facility’s mission is to extend the Christian notion of care to the previously ignored and suppressed communities with the intention of improving quality of life. The facility’s vision is to create a forum for healthcare stakeholders to integrate their efforts to achieve the national medical care goals (Dignity Health Glendale Memorial Hospital, 2017). The facility’s mission and vision align with the PDSA since they are concerned with ensuring that the best possible care is delivered to patients to guarantee good outcomes. To be more precise, the PDSA approach includes thoughtful strategies by adopting a multimodal approach whereby different possible causes of the problem are identified and optimized to achieve the desired outcome. In fact, the approach ensures that all concerned stakeholders are able to make meaningful contributions towards solving the existing problems Quality Improvement: Action Plan.

What are the internal and external influences to the organization for each problem?

The first problem is noise that interferes with the patients’ night rest. The internal influences for this problem are an unfavorable facility plan, badly designed rooms and wards, and noisy equipment. The external influences are the facilities in close proximity to the hospital. These influences were identified based on the fact that they either cause night noise or are not able to suppress night noise as would occur in an ideal situation.

The second problem is the patients being discharged with limited home care information that causes them to make mistakes that have a negative effect on their care outcomes. The internal influences for this problem are inadequate discharged education and instruction approaches, medical personnel with limited knowledge, and absence of an information support system that address the patients’ concerns. Quality Improvement: Action Plan The external influences are the patients, family members and home-care givers who have limited knowledge about care requirements.

How do you know a change is an improvement?

Changes to the internal and external influences is anticipated to address the two problems and achieve the desired outcome. Changes to the influences would address the first problem by eliminating the irritating night noise. A revised facility plan would keep patients away from noisy environments. Installing noise suppression and dampening material would exclude outside noise. Quiet equipment would reduce noise levels. Getting the neighboring facilities to reduce noise pollution would ensure that the environment is quieter at night.

Changes to the influences would address the second problem by improving discharge education and instructions so that patients are better prepared to understand their medical care needs even when at home. A comprehensive discharge education plan would better prepare patients to address their home care needs. Better informed discharge personnel would be able to meet the patients’ education needs. Better informed home care providers would reduce the pressure that patients feel while at home by aiding them in making good care decisions. An information resource center would allow patients to access required care information. In this respect, the planned changes are anticipated to produce improvements that achieve the desired outcomes Quality Improvement: Action Plan

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