Conflicts are an inevitable part of Organizational Interactions and working among diverse individuals with different and divergent perceptions of issues.


Conflicts have a negative connotation but may offer opportunities to improve organizational outcomes and processes. Different factors cause conflicts in organizations. These include ineffective communication, differences in roles responsibilities and goals among diverse stakeholders, differences in values and perceptions as well as resource strain and a demanding workplace environment (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). Further, organizational change may also be a source of conflicts because some employees may not be willing to adjust to the new way of doing things. Conflicts can also arise due to unmet and unrealistic personal and professional expectation as well as internal power structures and need for recognition among employees (Nightingale, 2018). The implication is that through an effective organizational culture based on values, stakeholders can find lasting solutions to the conflicts in these settings.

Organizational culture and values are critical aspects of the interventions that providers and entities in healthcare can use to address conflicts. Values offer direction on expected conduct and ethical approaches to minimize possible conflicts. Ethical standards improve interactions and level of communication in an organization to reduce frictions and miscommunication. Further, values harmonize organizational culture and sets attributes and skills that leaders should possess to handle conflicts better. Culture influences social normative that glues an organization together while shaping the type of leadership that evolves in an organization (Mannion & Davies, 2018). Leadership affects the kind of communication and approaches that an organization can use to address conflicts, especially in nursing and healthcare settings. imperatively, shared leadership based on a robust organizational culture and values is critical in adopting better conflict management approaches (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). Therefore, that have effective values and cultures can solve conflicts better and attain quality outcomes. Values like teamwork, respect, and transparency, integrity and honesty allow organizations to have common approaches to conflicts while transformational, participative and charismatic leadership styles improve the chances of generating solutions to conflicts in organizational settings.

The management of organizational conflicts is essential to improving care delivery, patient satisfaction, and performance of nurses. Leaders and followers should focus on the best approaches from the available ways like accommodation, collaboration, compromising, avoidance and competing. In this case, they can use strategies like accommodation, collaboration and compromising to deescalate such events (Sprajc et al., 2020). Secondly, they need to ensure that the organizational culture and values align with the stakeholders’ expectations, especially among their employees. Organizations and their management can also address conflicts when the values and culture align with their mission, vision, and the goals (Kang et al., 2020). Further, conflict resolution needs leaders to focus on issues and not individuals, have open and effective communication and accepting conflicts as critical to developing new ways of doing things.

Inter-professional Collaboration is vital for effective care delivery and attainment of one common purpose and goal. Inter-professional collaboration entails working together based on a common plan of care to deliver quality patient services (Tang et al., 2018). Strategies like having effective teams and teamwork, developing an organizational culture that supports increased interactions and based on good values lead to inter-professional collaboration (Machen et al., 2019). Inter-professional collaboration happens when leaders offer support based on their leadership styles (Dempsey & Assi, 2018). For instance, honesty, transparency, integrity and trust are critical values that encourage inter-professional collaborations in organizations. Effective assignment of duties and roles’ clarity ensures that providers collaborate to offer quality patient care.

Organization needs in healthcare continue to be dynamic and unpredictable because of increased care demand and use of innovative models like value-based care purchasing. The needs are unlimited yet available resources are limited and this implores nurses to use their mental fortitude to meet the diverse patient needs and attain quality care (Machen et al., 2019). Organizational needs like increased nurses and lowering costs impact outcomes as sufficient resources lead to better results. Better interactions and relationships come based on the organizational culture and values espoused by providers (Kang et al., 2020). Therefore, these values and culture promote better interactions among diverse stakeholders culture is also instrumental in equitable allocation of resources to achieve the expecte

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