Concept: Delegation Case Study You are working the night shift on a medical unit and have been assigned charge nurse responsibilities. You are working with four RNs, one LPN, and two UAPs. A client becomes pulseless and is not breathing, and the nurse assigned to the client’s care calls a code.

Collaboration with LPN in Task Delegation

Collaboration in nursing practice is vital as it helps promote patient safety and better patient outcomes. In cases of emergencies in the facility, collaboration is crucial in meeting the patients’ complex needs (Jowsey et al., 2020). In this case, the newly graduated LPN will perform tasks as taking and monitoring vitals and administering medications under the supervision of the RN (Jowsey et al., 2020). The RN should thoroughly explain the tasks to be completed the how they should be performed while supervising the LPN to enhance patient safety and outcomes.

Patient Safety Concerns

As a charge nurse, I would do rounds and communicate with the other patients to ensure they feel safe and comfortable. I would instruct the UAPs to keep the environment orderly and the LPN to take and monitor patients’ vitals and ensure medications are taken on time under my supervision as a charge nurse (AHRQ, 2021). This will provide a safe environment for the patients, thus promoting patient outcomes.

Impact of Effective Delegation to Patient Outcomes

Effective delegation is crucial in leadership and helps create workload balance between management and staff. Delegators or nurses in charge should assign tasks with the understanding that they are responsible for the outcomes of the activities the individual the task is delegated to perform (Walker et al., 2021). Thus, the nurse in charge should critically consider individuals’ competencies, the scope of practice, and competencies before delegating tasks to provide a sense of safety to patients and promote patient outcomes. Moreover, effective communication and teamwork will promote a better work environment where all employees and staff members are committed to patient safety and outcomes by delivering high-quality and timely care (Walker et al., 2021). Patients are satisfied when they receive high-quality care from caring staff and in a caring environment.



AHRQ. (2021, April). Nursing and patient safety

Barrow, J. M., & Sharma, S. (2021). Five rights of nursing delegation. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

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