Comparison of Uk with other country’s digital strategies: United Kingdom’s strategies to stop the spread   Pakistan’s Strategies to stop the spread

Comparison of Uk with other country’s digital strategies:

United Kingdom’s strategies to stop the spread


● Covid-19 spread portfolios were created using the digital strategy by Uk. SOPs were also taught to the public by the UK government, which held a number of seminars. In contrast to Pakistan’s policy, this was the UK’s best tactic.

Pakistan’s Strategies to stop the spread


● The tiger force was Pakistan’s tactic to increase awareness. They went from house to house, telling people how important it was to stay home and obey the SOP’s. As a result, there was a risk of spreading the coronavirus.

● It was decided that the next step would be to spout facts to educate the populace about the vaccine’s reliability. Many physicians conducted online meetings to educate the public about the vaccination. ● When it came to this element of the plan, Pakistan came out on top. That’s because the celebrities, tiktokers, and entertainers were paid to participate. The government provided a small amount of money to these individuals and requested them to get vaccinated as a condition of receiving it. As a result, all of their followers will get vaccinated. As a result, the immunisation technique was more effective. Vaccine trust grew as individuals posted photos of themselves getting vaccinated on social media networks.
● To prevent people from doing their business online instead of coming to their jobs, the last solution was to create a digital strategy. Proper agreements were made to achieve this. Many new applications have been released in the past few months. On-line attendance systems were developed as well as new attendance monitoring tools. ● There was a crackdown by the Pakistani authorities on people leaving their homes. There was a lockdown, and the poor and needy were frantically trying to find food to survive. This idea wasn’t as good as the one proposed by the United Kingdom.

Table 1 ( Comparison of Uk with other country’s digital strategies)

Source: (By the Author)

Digital communication strategy related recommendation

Since awareness and understanding alone rarely affect behaviour, the profession of media marketing is based on extensive study. Effective behaviour change requires the adoption of tactics that aim to overcome obstacles and offer people with personal, meaningful motivators. Marketing tactics can be more efficient by recognising behaviours that must be changed to accomplish a program’s objectives, fragmenting audiences based on who is most likely to change their behaviour (or not yet participating), and attempting to address the obstacles to behaviour change while also helping to ensure that an audience is sufficiently engaged.

Community-based digital marketing can be utilised to reduce hurdles and urge people to acquire their third dosage of COVID-19 vaccination, DRIP model has been used to provide quality recommendations as described below:

Differentiate the assistance

In order to determine or identify other similar services, it is focused on prioritising a certain service. It will be mandatory for the government of the United Kingdom to employ vaccination as a technique to allow people to walk outdoors securely. When compared to other marketing settings, the situation is complicated. Working from home and following COVID safety practise will have to be differentiated from getting vaccinated. Individuals will be more motivated to get vaccinated as a result of this. Contemplate distinguishing vaccinations as a means of achieving speedy recovery from the unpleasant Covid circumstance will be advantageous in terms of creating favourable perceptions from those who receive them.

Reinforcement of statements

As a result, customers will be able to ask questions and get answers about the entire process by using the application. Here, government officials can create a 24-hour customer service centre to answer questions from the public. Incorporating celebrity endorsements into this approach can improve it. The government can use a celebrity’s image to encourage vaccinations to the general public by using his or her image. In this sense, the government will be expected to utilise suitable and effective safety procedures.

Changes in CSR policy of Pfizer

In light of the pandemic, the competition amongst pharmaceutical giants in order to create an effective and safe vaccine against the coronavirus had risen to great lengths. This needed certain thoro

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