Compare similarities and differences of ANA Public Health Nursing (PHN) Standards, CAL Public Health Nursing (PHN) Standards, and the ANA Standards of Professional Performance. Discuss the importance of standards of practice and how they guide your practice and inform nursing care. Explain the role of the advanced public health nurse as a trusted source of information.


Comparison of Nursing Standards

The nursing profession is the broadest healthcare profession and plays a critical role in patient care. It is divided into various specialties with unique roles. To promote effective management of nurse professionals regarding their practice, various agencies have been tasked with setting practice standards and defining the scope of practice for nurses. Some of these guidelines include The ANA PHN, California PNH, and ANA Standards of Professional Performance. These standards have similarities and differences.


All these standards aim at promoting nursing practice and wellbeing. Besides, they provide a systematic framework to guide nurses regarding patient care promote professionalism, patient safety, better care outcomes, and satisfaction.


All these bodies use different strategies to attain their common goal. For example, ANA PHN focuses on championing the health of all communities while ANA Standards defines nurse scope of practices that apply to all nurses. In addition, the California PHN standards provide a practice framework governing nurses and nursing education only in California (Pearce et al., 2018).

Importance of Standards of Practice

Standards of practice are critical in nursing practice. They govern nursing practice, thus holding nurses accountable in their roles. They also provide a framework for nurse practice, thus providing quality and safe care. Above all, they promote better patient outcomes, better patient experience, and satisfaction. They also encourage healthcare services by increasing people’s confidence in nurse professionals. These standards guide the nursing practice and inform nursing care by defining nurse practice scope and laying down the framework for nursing practice (Nibbelink & Brewer, 2018).

Nurses as Trusted Sources of Information

Advanced public health nurses are a trusted source of health information for patients because they have access to multiple trusted sources of information such as local authorities, national plans, guidelines, and knowledge acquired while training as a public health nurse. They have a role in providing patient education regarding disease prevention, treatment, and prognosis for health promotion purposes (Fossum, Opsal & Ehrenberg, 2022).




Fossum, M., Opsal, A., & Ehrenberg, A. (2022). Nurses’ sources of information to inform clinical practice: An integrative review to guide evidence‐based practice. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing

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