Compare and contrast strategies for resolving a conflict, using first the informal negotiation method and then the formal negotiation method. 


The process of resolving a conflict is a complex one that requires much careful thought beforehand and considerable skill in its implementation. The nurse manager must react knowing which are the sources of conflict, the mechanisms for their production and resolution. And more importantly, knowing how to solve them, whether in an active, regulatory or passive way.

It is essential to know that not all conflicts should be allowed to evolve without intervention. Poorly managed conflict and unresolved conflict have an influence on individuals, organizations, and, most importantly, patient outcomes (Johansen & Mary, 2012).Essentials of Nursing Leadership And Management Essay

Handling conflict informally, as the name already says is basically trying to solve the problem in a more amicable and informal way. This approach entails, promoting communication, being a caring and effective listener, identify points of agreement and disagreement, development a plan for working each disagreement, and implementation of the plan.

Handling conflict in formal terms usually comes to place when all attempts to solve the conflict informally have failed. In this case employees can fille a formal complaint or claim that can be managed, either in court or through an extrajudicial resolution of conflicts, like mediation, conciliations etc.

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