Compare and analyze the concept definitions among selected theories


Orem defined surrounding by combining certain elements i.e. chemicals, materials, organic and finally socioeconomics. Her definition was undoubtedly a summary of the elements that form the environment.

She defined human as a self-care agent or a patient; she understood human as persons who need nursing care i.e. the unhealthy persons. Orem also defined health as the massive help especially to the aged persons way people function i.e. with regard to physiology and psychophysiology. She explained nursing as a purposeful act of assisting patients to achieve an exceptional health condition.

On the other hand, Watson defined surrounding as the existing culture of caring for individuals. As noted, this definition is undoubtedly different from Orem’s thoughts about environment. She defined an individual as a treasured person, and thus requires special care, excellent appreciation, respect, and adequate support whenever needed.

Watson described health as the entire body, social and psychological functioning of an individual. Her definition of health is related to Orem’s health thoughts i.e. they both used psychology and physiology in defining the term.

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She defined nursing as a discipline that uphold healthiness, provide caring services and prevents sickness (Nursing theories, 2010). Watson’s definition of nursing also has some similarities with Orem’s understanding of the discipline; their definitions aim at upholding an exceptional health.

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