Comment on how company management concluded that one solution to the sales problem was to improve training. Do you think improving training is the best solution to the sales problems? Explain your answer using Mager and Pipe’s performance (see Chapter 3, Figure 3.2). What are some other problems solutions for improving sales? ANSWER 2:

Comment on how company management concluded that one solution to the
sales problem was to improve training. Do you think improving training is the best solution
to the sales problems? Explain your answer using Mager and Pipe’s performance (see
Chapter 3, Figure 3.2). What are some other problems solutions for improving sales?

The telecommunication company found solution to their problem was to improve training
program and sale force. For this training department began need analysis to develop new training
program as well consider other steps like delivery cost.
According to my perception, company use best method to improve sales because with
this the company will find where is the performance gap and which department require more
training session. However, the one mistake was committed by the organization that they had took
quick decision of purchasing training program because it had not improve their sales as well as
trainee said it was boring and they did not give proper clarification
The Mager and pipe performance analysis flowchart is the solution for improving sales
because in this knowledge provide ability to explain technical information to co-workers
Control- ability to develop procedure to monitor and evaluate
Planning- ability to schedule time, task and activity efficiently

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