Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Affective Domains NURS FPX 6111 Assessment 3 Course Evaluation Template Table 1: Outcomes of Learning in the Areas of Thought, Action, and Emotion


Instructions:  You have an assessment template to check if course material matches program learning objectives and results. Whether you develop your learning skills and can effectively use strategies to face the challenges of bullying.  Before picking an answer (from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”), you should think carefully about the information shown in the table. From the following options, only one can be chosen.
Course Name: Nursing Bullying EducationFaculty Name:DateLearning Outcomes: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I feel comfortable conducting evidence-based activities linked to bullying and being bullied to control victimization in the workplace.          
I am comfortable overcoming myths related to bullying and being bullied by others.          
I can communicate with interprofessional teams to improve outcomes while understanding how bullying affects others’ health and well-being.          

I am comfortable effectively conducting evidence-based practices concerning bullying in their everyday life.
Learning from the Course contributed to: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Cognitive domain          
I can now apply new information to improve my skills and strategies for preventing and managing to bully.          
I can now use the knowledge I have acquired to improve my patients’ outcomes and my capacity to collaborate successfully across disciplines.          
I can now think critically and analyze information in a variety of healthcare contexts.          
I can now logically deal with anger-provoking situations.          
The psychomotor domain (with and without technological support, in learning simulations)          
I feel confident in recognizing other healthcare professionals’ different roles, responsibilities, and expertise.          
I feel confident to modify communication methodologies in bullying situations with patients/caregivers/healthcare team          
I can now educate other providers/members of the healthcare team on bullying prevention and education          
I can change my screening and prevention practice of bullying toward others.          
The Affective domain (Emotions involved in learning with and without the use of simulations)          
I can now effectively collaborate with other healthcare team members respectfully.         &n

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