Choose one theory and discuss where and how it may be best applied to nursing practice


Dorothea Orem, a prominent nurse, was born in Maryland; where she spent a better part of her early days. Despite earning several honors from different institutions, Orem had a thriving career, which significantly assisted her in designing her model. While serving several institutions, Orem was exposed to several experiences, which extensively contributed to her formation of self-care theory.

Orem’s theory can broadly be applied in the nursing discipline, to improve the lives of several unhealthy persons. Her understanding of self-care can be used by nurses, to advance their practice. In her theory, Orem explained that, an excellent healthcare translates to an exceptional body functioning.

Nurses can, therefore, use this ideology to counsel and educate their patients on the significance of self-care. This can be extremely significant to persons who careless about their self-care, yet they want to live a healthy life.

Educating them on the effects of neglecting self-care can massively change their attitude, which in turn improves people’s health. Orem’s thoughts about self-care agency can also be applied to the nursing practice (Callaghan, 2003). Orem defined self-care agency as the acquired skill that enables an individual maintain his or her healthcare.

This ideology can also be used by nurses, to educate their patients about the relevance of self-care agency. Furthermore, they can teach patients some of the essential skills that help in maintaining an excellent self-care. This ideology can be of massive help, especially to the aged persons, since they are more vulnerable to self-care agency.

Orem’s thoughts about “therapeutic self-care demands” can also be employed in nursing practices. Orem defined the term as the self-care necessities that an individual requires at certain life periods. This thought can be applied by nurses, to understand the various requirements that patients desires at certain points of time.

As a result, the nurses will be able to advice patient about the self-care requirements needed at different points of time. For instance, the there are certain needs that the aged require, which are not significant to the infants. This can help nurses to design the best therapy or needs for different persons at different points of time.

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Orem developed several solutions that can help to achieve an impressive healthcare. She summarized the solutions as taking adequate water food stuff and water and having enough rest. These solutions can extensively be applied in the nursing practice, in numerous capacities.

Nurses can employ these solutions to assist persons who are experiencing difficulties in maintaining their self-care. Furthermore, nurses can train patients on the solutions to their unhealthiness; thus, enabling them to manage their self-care autonomously.

Orem’s understanding of the term “self-care deficit” can also be of significance in the nursing practice. She explicated the term as an individual’s incapability to provide self-care need to his/her family or for himself as an individual. She further explained that “self-care deficit” demands for speedy intervention especially if projected to worsen.

This thought can be borrowed by nurses and adopt them in their practice. Nurses can apply these thoughts, to decide on the best intervention that can improve a family suffering from self-care deficit. Orem further developed five approaches for mitigating self-care deficit.

These techniques can be used by nurses, to assist their patient in not only curb self-care deficit, but also help in its prevention. Orem also developed nursing structures that aimed at meeting several patient needs. These nursing structures can be adopted by nurses, in their goal to improve the healthiness of a patient.

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